
No mention of Chiphunk? C'mon!

I think you mean "Battleship" not "Battlefield"

I have it too. I was so grateful for the authenticity factor. A teenage zebra helped contribute to the storyline after meeting Shonda at a TED talk. They flew her down to the set and everything. Worth checking it out if only for the EDS part.

Vexed And Lacking Vaginal Answers May want to visit an immunologist. Reoccurring vaginal infections may suggest a compromised immune system. Have them do a full work up including tests for primary immunodeficiency.

You neglected to mention that one of the families features a mixed marriage with biracial children. That's a pretty big leap from the original and for Disney.

It could have been a tight thriller if the trimmed at least 2-4 episodes. It might have also been one of those rare instances where a film version would have been better than a series. Btw I never thought I would be rooting for so much Nazi screen time, but to me this was the most compelling story - every day American

I want her sweaters. Where can I get the one with the dino carrying a purse?

Ok thanks!

Maybe not such a bad thing?

Mr. Goldberg, I am a huge fan of your show. However, I have noticed a distinct lack of feathered hair and bangs shaped like clam shells. Evelyn is a great start, but to be truly 80s, we need more perms, more higher the hair, closer to Jesus-like moments. Just google "high school graduation 1987" in image search and

Yes and if a woman shows up in pants, they won't let her in period. Even if it's a fancy pants suit.

Guys, I have news for you. There is a major difference between addiction and becoming physically dependent on something to live. Diabetics are physically dependent on insulin. It does not make them addicts. Prince had been suffering from chronic pain for several years and he required opiates to treat that pain.

Why don't they just put weights in the cup? You don't need liquid. This would serve as a gentle reminder to the actors and aolve the gravity/sound issues.

Clearly, he's turning into Spike. I guarantee there will eventually be a Liv love story down the line a la Buffy. I'll take him anyway I can get him. He's adorbs.

Also, those nuts ALWAYS smell better than they taste.

It's Vanderbilt. I know, because I got it there. I didn't go, but I got in.

The death of Thad only seems random if you're not from NY. The city has been plagued with a lot of accidents in recent years due to the booming construction business happening. (Referenced to in the episode) Also, I believe there were two elevator deaths as well. All of the victims seem to be men and women in their

Last night I said it to my family and I couldn't place how or where I had gotten the reference. Clearly they have invaded my brain.

I think you've hit the nail on the head with your critique.

What people don't realize is all of this is so inherently LA. All of it. The nebbish wannabe writer who turns into an asshole after getting a whiff of success, the insecure actress (played over the top IMHO), and the hot addict. People use each other there constantly. Pure friendships and relationships are a rarity. I