
I think it's an LA thing though. Going to the Magic Castle is a very sacred thing there. It's super fun and not the easiest place to get into. It's a real treat honestly, like being on the set of a movie. And she should have had more respect for it. They won't allow you to bring a camera in. I was surprised they were

Sometimes you can access it on demand or in non HD. I would check there too.

When Dexter's wife was killed, that was the last straw for me. The baby crawling in the blood. That was it.

Lets see: white male principal, white privileged kid "rebels", Latino janitor, black assistant. Checks all the right boxes. Hollywood approved!

Minor correction - It's actually a reference to Sister Act II: Back in the habit. Far more enjoyable than Sister Act I, mainly due to the appearances of a couple teen actors who later became famous and Lauren Hill. And the music is better.

I'm so glad they included Heavenly Creatures. There so many great coming of age films to come out of that part of the world, Picnic at Hanging Rock, The Year My Voice Broke, Flirting, Puberty Blues, BMX Bandits.

I was really glad they included that for a very different reason. I am white. The day of the inauguration, all I felt was hope for the future and pride that this country was ready to embrace change. Fear never entered the picture for me. It was important I saw another perspective and it was especially poignant, given

I also loved how the wedding turned into a party and nobody gave a shit that Gordon had left. Delia was finally back to normal (albeit drunk). Life goes on. Nobody really cares about the drama we build in our lives because we spend so much time focusing on our own stuff. It's on Jezebel one day and then on to the

I literally just got the Rita Hayworth/Gilda connection. Just when I think I've conquered pop culture!

I loved how messy this episode was. And I was relieved Delia's $25k dress remained unblemished. I was very nervous with all the sloppy drunks around her. Frumpkis really should be in rehab. I have no idea why Jo is allowing him to be driving drunk around town (let's hope he's Ubering). "Why does God hate me?" was the

I hope Richard Kind becomes a regular.

Why would Major email a pic of the DA's "dead body" to Vaughn?? Why would he create any kind of digital trail and not just show him the image in person.

I like that these characters are imperfect. I like that they demonstrate (somewhat realistically) how people can function day to day with mental illness (and I'm not talking about art boy). Abby is clearly very depressed and she's lashing out. Also, I have always liked Jo and loved her in this episode. There were

Thank you for speaking up about this. I was annoyed as well. People with invisible disabilities are served enough shit each day. They don't need this perception on top of it.

This was on my list of potential first date ideas when I lived in LA, so it made me chuckle big time.

I can't believe you didn't mention the best and most gifable moment of the episode:

Wanna bet that the two of them will wind up writing the book for Jade?

I love how specifically LA this show is. I don't think another show has ever explored K Town as an area to hang out in LA, nor the whole cheap spa experience. I forgot what the second idea was for Bro's night out but it was something equally specific. For reference, what neighborhood is Jimmy's in? The restaurant and

I wouldn't go that far lol, but it does seem there is a reason for everything on this show. With they would speed things up. Seems as if it could have been done in 6-8 episodes instead of 10.

Ha ha I saw that rerun too and thought the exact same thing.