
Here's how I interpreted Lucca's response to the meltdown: Holy shit my business partner is having a meltdown, the woman I have sacrificed everything to be with. Holy shit I just sued a judge that I may have to crawl back to. Holy shit my career! Also I feel very sorry for this woman.

The clue that they are living in an alternate reality is Julianna's mother's insistence that she "felt" her sister was dead, but that feeling went away. Then Juliana spots her in the plaza, but it is explained away as a vision. I believe it was her sister from an alternate universe.

It's funny, but the actor playing Albert is a well known character actor (also from Mad Men, Continuum et al.). This part is also not his usual forte of being so on the straight and narrow. I like how they have all these guest stars playing against type.

I thought that too right after they had sex. His personality changed on a dime. Hoping it was a poor direction choice. I don't think Phoebe could take another deception.

I hear you on Jo. I like her too and Phoebe.

I may be in the minority, but I loved this episode. Abby's disappointment when he mentions using her name was so real, so very LA. To be fair, she was using him too for her book, but his thing seemed more egregious. I also thought the shy virgin seduction was kind of hot, but what do I know? Jo does not bother me. I

I'm sorry, was no one else freaking out about the fact that THEY SHARE A CHILD together?!?

I loved the look on Phoebe's face when she realized the art museum visit was not a date. That dress was wholly inappropriate for daytime, regardless if it was a date. (Note to editor: couple of typos in the "Stray Observations")

Context please! What is this skit all about?

Thanks for an entertaining (albeit short) season. We really needed more than four episode though. Lauren was the obvious shoe-in to win. Although, I was rooting for Nicole. I liked the interior of Tim's cakes the best. (FYI homemade marshmallow fondant is actually quite delicious and is easily made in the microwave.)

You can watch on demand via your cable provider or on the website.

Did you guys notice the large sea wall around the Statue of Liberty when they pan over the Manhattan skyline to account for rising sea tides?

No mention of the return of Melanie Hutsell?

I am a newbie, but have already wolfed down all four episodes. Can someone please explain to me the different kinds of liquids people tend to imbibe on the Belter ship? Is it mostly booze? Why did that lady cop put match heads in what I assume was coffee? Also, what is the stuff burning that looks like incense that

Even though I saw it coming, I still started bawling when Abuela got her Green Card. You guys, I heart this show so much for telling the stories no other network dares too (minus some premium cable nets a while back). Also, I totally called the professor/Jane romance. He looks at her with bemusement and want in his

No mention of the Shark Tank jokes?! "Shut up Zeke! I am clearly the Laurie!"

Barbara is my new favorite part of the show. Jo is annoying but was right to be angry when Abby neglected to tell her about Zoey.

To someone with a latex allergy, the last video is terrifying.

Joey was the cute one, so I give him a pass.