
Rhetta slayed last night. That one tiny monologue was some other best work. I am very excited to see her inject some much needed reality to this show. Also just found out about Edelstein being the infamous Lisa E! I remember reading about her in the Voice growing up.

I miss Mel and Sue as well as, "Ready, set, bake!" Other than that is was pretty good. I thought the pagoda was fabulous and the Eiffel Tower was poignant. I like the diverse cast. I wonder how they did the casting. Regular coverage please!

I liked it.

The killer is clearly Number 5 amiright? She was spared twice by the red devil and was the only one not shown going home in this episode. She also has the least amount of back story.

"Take me to my Volt." Because of course he drives an electric vehicle.

Does attorney client privilege really apply between Alicia and Howard? No money exchanged hands, so technically he wasn't a client. Can any legal experts weigh in here?

Anyone else spot Degrassi alum Aislinn Paul in the credits?

Here's the thing, yes a lot of Aquarius is derivative. However, how many network shows do you know that actually focuses on civil rights for more than a "very special episode of SVU"? How many network shows feature explicit male on male attempted rape (which as it turns out was foreplay)? These are heavy themes I am

It absolutely rings true. There is no way those girls could afford to live on their own on a publishing salary. That's why only wealthy people can work in publishing to begin with. I remember back in the late 90s, starting salary was $18k/year. Whereas in any other industry it was @$28-$40K/year, banking, twice that.

I love this show now and these recaps. Please keep up the good work! Does anyone else see Liza getting a book deal out of this when her secret is revealed at work and her boss saying she knew all along?

I don't think the post separation montage was out of place at all. This show is all about how we remember certain events in our lives. He probably looks back at that time fondly, but mainly as a series of snapshots. The women remain anonymous conquests as they don't hold any significance to them (i.e. He doesn't even

There were a ton of loose ends like that. Clearly, they are hoping for a series. If they get one, I hope they get new writers. The expository dialogue was gawd awful.

I think that it was implied as a matter of ceremony.

This show makes me so mad due to its lack of focus, but on the other hand I can't stop thinking about it (shakes fist!). I think the main focus of the experiment isn't so much about space travel, but about eugenics. Think about it, under no other circumstances could they compel highly intelligent scientists/perfect

I thought her mom was the doctor, no? She set aside her seahorse necklace during the "radiation storm."

My BIGGEST pet peeve with the show (and there were many) was the lack of continuity with the wardrobe and set design. After 51 years, everything on that ship should look worn and vintage. Before we knew the truth at the end of the premiere, I thought they might be justifying it as a space thing. But given they are on

Hello? What about "Not Cool," that literal Shane Dawson shitfest?

Why couldn't Tommy just bike over and pick it up? It would have taken less than 20 seconds.

I don't think the priest did it because I believe he is Danny's real father. He clearly has a history with the mom who got knocked up in high school.

I thought Rogelio's father is Sin Rostro, but Magda would be a far more interesting choice.