Err On Sore Kin

I'll also stick up for Title TK. "Off You" might be the most affecting song Kim Deal ever wrote.

My parents (who live in Europe) have been talking up this show for a couple of years, and I finally have a bit of free time, so I'm excited to watch it along with these reviews!

I've never laughed harder in a movie theater than I did at that line. And I saw it in a tiny theater in Florida surrounded by a bunch of retirees. It was pretty uncomfortable!

It has to be a big deal that Talisa (Jeyne) is pregnant. GRRM would not have just slipped that in there for no other reason

Amusing to me that that very Jack-Baueresque rule is General Order 24.

Oh shit, THGTTG! I knew there was a lingering good ZD association in my mind!

#"Fearthainne na Saaaamhnaaaa…."
# bzztflrp*

Echoing someone else's stretching of pop culture: the goodbye of the last stanzas of Tennyson's Ulysses never doesn't make me cry:

"Twenty-seven Unsullied in the room—anybody know 'post hoc ergo propter hoc'? Grey Worm?"

Probably because I'm thinking of Alec Guinness saying it. "Our friend Gerald, the mole, has been here before us."

It does seem like a name that naturally lends itself to italicizing.

"It’s too late for me to care about anything involving off-screen wells."


It is! They can use those trade goods to keep Indian villages placated and have incoming Indentured Servants train as Master Fur Trappers. /Sid Meier's Colonization

I'm sure you all are familiar with them already, but the novels "Earth Abides" and "Riddley Walker" do a splendid job of answering Fartin's and Kumagoro's questions, respectively.

One other comment mentioned this in passing, but I really want to say more about it. The first scene in this episode's cold open, Walt in front of the rigged-up coffee-maker, is an absolute masterclass in acting and directing, and as far as I'm concerned probably the most affecting moment of the show so far.

YES @ Macbeth

Fuck, me too. Holy shit.

"I read them right after each episode and they have somehow made this great show even better.
