Hot Rod Herman

So disagree.  This is the best of the series, and as a comic book movie, it is one of those that is a good movie, whether it was a comic book movie or not.  It is full of surprises that never feel cheap, and it maintains its pulse all the way to the end.  Solid A.

It is no small accomplishment that you can't help but root for each team, given that all of the characters are either horrible, horrible people or the long con victims of horrible, horrible people.  Maybe it helps that we know how the Cold War played out.  The acting is great on all fronts.  Hooray for the return of

I have graduated him in my mind to being Ahmet Ertegan from RAY, but my first instinct is to still go with Booger.  Then I grade myself on a curve by bringing his Harry Nillson archivist creds into it.

I thought it was a great episode.  The Biggersons', Curtis Armstrong's ramblings, the purifying of the trials, Crowley's divaness - the fact that his handgun is a Luger, Nazi Pistol is a nice touch.  I really liked it.

She's great at everything.

Harry Shushed Joan!  He needs to get his ass kicked.  It would be great if Pete did it.

Plus:  They blew up New York?  They blew up the whole world.

Here is my impression of Paul Newman:  He was a handsome, talented man with a good heart and a variety of interests. Also, he was Jewish.

Stan killed me when he was laughing at William map other!  He is the scene stealer this season.

I don't know if I would say he is an alcoholic.  He drinks a lot, but that isn't the same as being an alcoholic.  I am a recovering alcoholic, and I know there was a difference in when I crossed the foggy gulf into addiction from excessive use and recreation.  The fact that he said his New Year resolution was to "quit

My 12 year old recognized the game show this was from.  He's our Gene!  I was disappointed that they didn't win the minivan.  It just ended lamely.  I don't want to be a second guesser viewer, but would have liked for the only rub to be the taxes due on the van or something shadowy.  I loved the weird kissing scene

It never really occured to me that Don was a sex addict, as I never really thought that was a real thing.  But the older I get, and the more I realize we are all works in progress, the more I accept Sex Addict as an actual affliction.  The scenes of the whorehouse upbringing - phase 2 of Dick Whitman's childhood -

This movie is the greatest movie of the year so far!  This review is an attempt at highbrow analysis.  This is an exploitation movie that entertains, not an arthouse movie that is attempting homage to exploitation movies.  This movie is fun to watch, the characters are endearing, the exploitation of the concept of a

I worked in a knife shop in the 80's, and a Special Forces soldier told me that a cut to the inner thigh is the death blow "Then you just dance out of reach until the guy falls down."

I am wondering if Constable Bob will take Shelby's vacated Sheriff's office.  I always love seeing Patton Oswalt, but he has really shown some acting chops this turn.

The B was for Boo Urns.

The last three episodes of GIRLS have made me have dreams about what was going on in my life at the time I was the median age of these characters.  That's not something I can say other shows have done.  Maybe one episode once in a while, but consistently, when I got into bed the last few Sunday nights it was like

She looked so much like Tina from Bob's Burgers.  She just needed glasses.

It never occurred to me that the ending credits footage from Green Acres was an homage to something else, but Naked City has the same panning helicopter shot over the terrain, albeit urban this time, to stop atop a roof with NAKED CITY painted on it.  I have to get this dvd!

I saw a MASH rerun a few years ago with Andrew Dice Clay.  THAT was weird.