Hot Rod Herman

Nobody's mother smells like cookies.  The fucking Keebler Elfs don't smell like cookies.  I knew her youth was going to be an ugly reveal, but brother sex was a knife plunge.

Was it this week or last when she told Sheriff Batmanuel - "I just keep attracting these crazy men into my life…"  That killed me.  She is so oblivious of the impression she makes on people.

I would have liked if they had never actually hooked up, that it was all in Norman's mind, and Bradley didn't know the extent of what Norman was trying to get back to.  They have already shown that he's a psycho, in front of everyone at school, so if Emma defending him to the Mean Girls for something that never

But Bradley banged him right off the bat.  Of course he is going to be hanging onto her hope.  See, if Emma had banged him, and having the O2 tank, they would have have been glued together until graduation.

C for the season?  I LOVE this show!  I loved this episode.  My only wish is that it had Psycho music, judiciously implanted, and I would have liked it better if the reveal of the dead teacher would have been an overhead, spiraling over the eye, Janet Leigh reveal.  I love the idea of them opening a new Bates Motel

I remember seeing him in an Allie McBeal episode, where he was a retirement home stud.  He still looked like a Veteran He Man Actor.  I always liked him.

Stan. My favorite character on television.  Ginzo "… but I hate apples more."

I was so glad CeCe didn't marry that guy.

You can say "Shit" on AMC now.  I am so glad.  It is so much more natural sounding than "crap."

To call back to last week - Sonny Rollins is alive, which made his hologram being surrounded by out of character dead people kind of tacky and unnerving.

I agree.  Don/Dick is a deeply unhappy man who thinks reinvention is the way to happiness, but he doesn't seem to know who he is supposed to be reinventing.  I hope, for his sake - because seriously, I just love the guy - that Roger feeds him some acid and they wander around the Upstate woods for a couple of days and,

You should turn that around.  Freaks and Geeks lives up to its legend.

They mostly all seem to be on a first name basis, but I could be wrong.

My mother - a dyed in the wool Democrat - likes George Bush The Elder, because he "Puked on a Jap."

You forgot one really important element - how lousy and nostalgic - and unspace age margarine Don't breakfast scenario pitch was.  Not only is he so self absorbed he doesn't realize he is playing in a different track than everyone else, he is off his game as well.  Fun Fact:  When Peggy knew the history of margarine,

I gotta say, CeVe's impending marriage may make for a good plot device, but I sure hate it as an imaginary fact in my imaginary friends' lives.

Did you see the Duran Duran button on porkpie's vest?

I thought he sold it.

Are you saying I am not being polite?  I don't mean to be impolite or stretch the value of etiquette, but every SNL write up starts from a negative place, as if the reviewer resents being paid to watch it.  It is tiresome.  True, I don't have to read them, but I find some value in them or I wouldn't.  It just reads  

I really wish you would stop with the "Well, it wasn't horrible," standard of measure and just review for what it is.  I assume you are getting paid for these write ups, so why speak in such a snotty, petulant amateur voice?