Hot Rod Herman

Robert Morse random roles!  I know he's a Broadway Star more than movies, but even growing up I always liked "that guy" and I am so glad he is in Mad Men.

She is all kinds of sexy.

There is an episode of Route 66 with Bruce Dern as a kind of henchman for a nazi hunter.  He has no lines at all, just pushes a guy into a car.  I remember him being in a Bonanza where he basically played the same guy ("Long Hair") who killed John Wayne in The Cowboys.  He had a great line explaining why he was an

I know they aren't Oscar Noms, but on the Adam West Batman two parter that featured The Green Hornet and Kato, the villain - an evil stamp collector - had two henchmen, played by the ever cool Seymour Cassell and Alex Rocco.  And that is what freeze framing is all about, Charlie Brown.

Could this be any gayer?  Never has hetero sex looked more like an expression of gay.

This movie is an A Plus Plus.

Hence, said "tears."

I loved the little touch of Linda's stopwatch time moving during her scenes.  This show kills me.

I thought it was the best episode of the series, one of the best short films I can think of.  It helps if you know Hannah and Ray beforehand, but it does indeed work as a great piece of short fiction.  FWIW - I don't think Hannah's crying self realization is too far at all.  Something I really like about this show is

When I lived in India, I knew a lot of Brits who admired the Cricket playing of the Indians.  If there is a square of unused land between buildings, if it isn't covered in blue tarp tent dwellings, there are cricket wickets sticking out of the ground and a game being played.  I asked several Indians and Englishmen to

When the fighter guy told him he had "marked" the guy he went to prison over beating up, all I could thing was "Dude, you can't even see what a 'mark' is if you are boasting that shit to Raylan."

I love how ragged Raylan is getting this season.  The brim of his hat is sagging, his lack of a haircut is turning into a mullet, he's kind of got a slight limp, and he slouches out of exhaustion.  His life is so completely catching up with him.  I liked that Wynona didn't even ask him about the gash on his forehead. 

If I were Colt, when Ellen May disappeared, I would have just kept driving, far, far away.

I absolutely loved this movie and none of my friends liked it at all. 

I think this is a great movie.  I am always surprised at my surprise when Stephen Spielberg makes a good apolitical movie, ad wish he would make more.  He had the good sense to have Christopher Walken play a normal man and have him dance on screen.

Reno, The Biggest Little City In The World

I read a British essay/column somewhere recently how the big attraction of Vegas these days is that one can smoke indoors and gorge on buffets without being judged.  That was so sad.

Jeff likes being worshiped by a willowy blond he is fixin' to take to Pound Town, can ditch after the fact and never worry about running into her in his personal or professional circles.  He only knows that she is a naive "nobody," not a psycho time bomb on a misguided mission of vengeance.  Picking her up at her

Shitty movie that would have been much better JUST with casting Brendan Fraser:  The Spirit.  It still would have sucked, but Frank Miller would have gotten at least ONE thing right.

The older I get the more I say, yeah, they are working.  It's their job.