Hot Rod Herman

It worked for me, and it is the movie that makes me say - Chris Kattan is never used right in anything else.

It also shows how improv comedy works best when the improv actors have a pool of experiences they can all draw from. 

The extended/alternative WANDERLUST that is on the dvd is a very cool look into how  to do improvising scenes.  There is a scene of everyone sitting around a campfire, and Paul Rudd starts singing something from Les Mis, and is joined by other cast members, that should have been in the Official cut.  This one scene of

I think you miss the point of the Hannah confronting Marnie scene - Hannah was coked up, so she processed through it rapidly, so that by the time she reached Marnie she had come to the realization that everyone dumps on her for being so self centered and immature, but in the big picture, she never fucked her best

I think this show is great.  I told my wife that last night after it was over - she was clearly not enjoying it - and she said , This is nothing like my life at that age.  I said, me neither, but I believe that it is theirs.  That's the selling point to me, it just rings a true bell I enjoy hearing.

It was spot on great.  (Good wishes to your daughter, Rawbun).  I was really glad to see them lay it on the table that Amy is an addict, that her rehab stay wasn't for "emotional exhaustion" or some vague "nervous breakdown" expression.  They have avoided that label for Amy through the whole show, because, I imagine,

The commitment on that line had me cracking up.  Kenan Thompson gets better every week.

Wow, I was cracking up through the whole thing.  So were my wife and daughter.  It was like stepping on 11 rakes.  He was so committed!

"The best course of action to make this sort of thing work is to make the
joke all about the straight guy in question, to suggest that he’s so
blinded by his own fear that he does a bunch of stupid stuff, rather
than inviting the audience to share in said gay panic. That becomes a
fun joke about our notions of

I just  finished reading this book last night.  I ordered another by him as soon s I was done.  He's very good.   A little bit weird, but nothing inaccessible, and he cares about his characters. In one story, no matter what troubles a young returning veteran keeps running into, he is constantly told "I thank you for

People are very complex.

What they need is a well armed militia…

Yeah, the book is riveting until the fake, then it's a backtrack, then it's a gimmick, then it's over, then it turns out to have been a gyp.

I'll be 50 next month.  I am older than Doctor Who.

Drag - Like the show.  Hate the title but like the show.  Great cast.

Laura Dern is 46 - So Amy lies to herself even in meditation.

I wish they would stop shitting on her.  I gotta say though, when she told Old Gimpy Army that he would be her life's work, THAT would have been a good time for him to bail.  I mean, "You're my life's work"?  That's fucked up.

Boner Killer O'Brien, wanted in six states for erection murder.

Yeah, he's an asshole and a terrible house guest. 

This review gets a D.  You bring up good creaking points, but you bury them in your self satisfied sense of clever letter to a transmogrified television program.  Boo.  I did ask my wife if she thought Bates had murdered his wife, or if she thought the writers even knew if he did it or not.  And what WAS the