Your Father.

Give me $10 on Osha and $10 on no one on the list.

Man, clicked this article thinking that it was another one of these lame AV club Q&A's with no wrong answer. Boy was I wrong.

Don't be obtuse.

I think oldness has kind've lost a bit of its luster. I imagine 70 year olds as kindly grandmothers. However, they are actually just baby boom leaches.

So, she summoned the Warden of the East from across the continent because his former employee, who she has no way of contacting, is involved in a trial that she has no control over.
Her 'concern is Stannis, not Moat Cailin', which unfortunately lies between this army and Stannis and is deemed impregnable.
Robyn is weak,

Man, Murry really, actively, wanted to make people laugh. The man was an entertainer!

Why did Cersei summon him in the first place? This was clearly never addressed. And he could not have faked this as Roose Bolton saw a letter with her seal summoning him.
Why would the Vale rise for him?
Assuming they did rise for him, how the hell is he going to get an army past Moat Cailin?
I am sure that

"“It’s important to keep an eye on what’s important and always looking to find ways to nourish your spirit and mind and to challenge yourself,” Grenier babbled, his grip on reality loosening already."

Luckily we have declared a David Bowie Day as our city's own musical tradition is, shall we say, lacking. Keep working hard Sam Cooke, Mavis Staples, Curtis Mayfield, Muddy Waters, Frankie Knuckles, Howlin' Wolf, Little Howlin' Wolf, Bo Diddley, The Spaniels, The Moonglows, The Impressions, Jimmy Reed, etc. etc.

No freakin' way. The ending to the Searchers is perfect. There is nothing contrived about it and is probably one of the more realistic portrayals of human psychology. People can talk themselves into some crazy stuff when they're isolated and bitter. Then, when confronted with actual reality as opposed to that

"Hey! We're all getting laid!"

The best part of that scene is Egon's reply. Ray is playing it over the top and making himself out to be some outlandish human being who cares more about the scientific implications than his friends well-being. There is nothing particularly funny about this until Egon casually replies "That's great Ray, save me a

This is a 3 star review but, given how idiotic the script is, I think that it qualifies.

Yeah, I love Ebert, but I actually disagree with the degree to which he gives trashy movies a fair hearing.
I was just watching an old episode of Sneak Previews where Gene and Roger were discussing one of these throwaway break dancing movies from the 80's.   It was your prototypical 80's film with

Yeah, if you think about it, if Jesus isn't the son of God, then he's just the world's biggest assh$#e.  Your description is right on.

Yeah, that scene when Tommy goes into the flower shop is the very definition of "shitty miracle".
"That's me!  Hi doggy."  "You're my favorite customer."  "Thanks a lot, bye!"
I mean, how could you even plan that?

As punishment, she must guard the Black Gate before being beheaded by Aragorn.

I saw some college kids playing Quidditch yesterday.  They put the rings up and then run around with broomsticks between their legs, throwing balls through the rings.  I do not know what the equivalent of the snitch was supposed to be.  I guess I couldn't see it.

Fame.  What you need you have to borrow.

That doesn't sound funny at all.  Maybe it was the way he said it?