
I think the middle section of The Ring is pretty dull and unnecessary, but I like it better overall.

Yes! Ghost movies, as much as I love them, are too often undone by their own logic — "You can knock on my walls, you can appear by my bed in some ghastly form, you can write cryptic messages on my mirror, but you can't just point to your grave and say, 'Hey there, kind sir! Would you mind digging up my body and

What? I thought we liked Community because Shirley was a paragon of decency and morality amid pagans, agnostics, and pan-sexuals.  And I thought we only liked Britta because her actions accurately illustrated our feelings toward pizza.

At the risk of being the overly defensive religious guy, I do find it a bit odd that the Jesus Dudez get flack for preferring their religion over those of others.  Yes, they did dismiss Buddhism, but were they doing anything specifically disrespectful to worshipers there? And I mean that's as much a genuine question

That makes a lot of sense, Tasha.  Thanks.  Again, I don't mean to demand that you cover the show — I just wondered why.

Just out of curiosity, does Podmass avoid covering Filmspotting because AV Club writers appear on the show every so often?

Casting directors - youse fancy pants, alla ya.

I was just about to post this, too.  That one also wins for the self-deprecating way Snider admits that he really sounds like Tom Petty on his records.

Yep, that one jumped out at me, too.  They are given to name-dropping in their songs, but that one and the bit from "Stay Positive" ("When the Youth of Today / And the early 7 Seconds / Taught me some of life's most valuable lessons") seem more substantial.

That's what I was thinking, too. Apparently his albums are pretty good.

That bit almost completely redeems the awful Rita storyline.  Well, that and Super Dave.

I build mansions … and then live in them!

I actually like Beyond Re-Animator — the one that takes place in a jail — if only for the scene where a rat kung fu fights a severed, reanimated penis.

They've tried to remake Re-Animator. But every time they hire a director, Stuart Gordon storms in, cuts off the director's head with a shovel, and sneers "Plagiarist!"

@Sam Catchem — I totally read that "I'm sorry, so sorry" in David Tennat's "empathizing with human who is about to die" voice. Well done!

I don't know that I necessarily liked the ending, but I thought it worked fine. But I did go in hearing complaints about the ending, so I was expecting the worst.

"This looks like a job for Bi-Polar Bear! If I could just get out of bed."

I'm right there with you, Cage. The Sue Costello episode was the first WTF I couldn't finish. That hideous squeal in the end of her laughs had me annoyed from the beginning (I can't believe the AVC called it infectious), but I was willing to give her a chance because I usually appreciate the depth Maron gets out of

They'll both be set in West Egg.

If I remember right, the TV movie's frame narrative was about a network exec in the 60s (70s?) learning that Moe Howard was working as a studio gofer, and talking to him about the Stooges. The production of the Three Stooges cartoon show and re-run package was treated like a great victory and a sign of them getting