
I like this kind of movie, and a B-level experience was all I was hoping for, so Tobias's review is enough to get me to go. But, man, your line "The plot is strictly for people who never have seen a movie before" is pretty hard to ignore.

@ bushit/Jethro- Well, I would leave this post off of my CV, but I really need the publication line.

Sun Also Rises
As someone working on a PhD in American lit, I'm embarrassed to admit that I didn't catch that Jake Barnes was castrated in Sun Also Rises. It made for a very awkward conversation in my undergrad lit class that week.

@Test Tube Monkey- I watched the opening of every episode just to hear the A.C. Newman song. I didn't laugh once, and can barely recall what I saw, but that great tune remains stuck in my head. I hope to hear a full length version some day.

Well that bums me out a bit, Kareebel — I've only read it once and I guess it's going to stay that way.

Wow, I feel my feelings toward REM are the exact opposite from everyone else here: every time I listen to one of their albums, I'm struck at how good they are and wonder why I don't listen to them more often. There are certainly some laggy fillers here and there, but there's almost always something that jumps out at

White Teeth goes off the rails a bit in the last third, but it's certainly not shitty shit. The first 2 thirds are pretty great, and it makes its cosmopolitan argument in a pretty charming way, I thought.

It is overblown and probably silly, but I unabashedly love Magnolia. Sure, TWBB and Punch-Drunk Love are more mature, but Magnolia's "big show-off" elements help sell the desperation of the characters, who are all big show-offs who need God to perform a miracle to get them to change their ways. I can't really argue

For some reason, my parents loved Ernest movies, and I still watch Ernest Saves Christmas at least once during the holidays. There are a few genuinely funny lines in it, but for the most part Ernest is unbearable.

My 9-year-old inexplicably loves all things Sonic, including all iterations of the cartoon series. None of them are good, but the most recent series, SonicX (a more anime-like series in which Sonic & pals come to earth from another dimension) is the best, though I'm slightly unnerved by Rouge the Bat's raw sexuality.

I'm with you, Wreaphae and tlnlt — I distinctly remember watching the film version with my class in 3rd grade and hating the movie after reading the book earlier that year. I think it was my first "snob" moment, sitting there in righteous indignation while the other kids were enjoying the flick. I was particularly

You make us tin-foil heads look good, lasserine! Well done!

@steph5555 - It depends on the night. Sometimes it's tinfoil hats, sometimes its tinfoil towels, sometimes its tinfoil team magnets, sometimes its a tinfoil Al Sabotka bobble-head. It just varies.

I have a friend who is a long-time Islanders fan, and his hatred of Milbury knows no bounds.

Giamatti would make a great Jack Gladney. He would make a good Murray, too, but whenever I'm reading, I always see Oliver Platt in that role.

I was kind of hoping he would cut off his thumb with a sophisticated piece of machinery like this… this…