
Interestingly enough Arms does not map to swords and other non gun weapons… Their lobby is not as good.

The worst part it wasn't a bad modern pulp movie, not too deep, very pretty. Really didn't deserve a sequel. This has stopped him from working on the Battle Angel/Gunnm movie. The plotting of the original run of the Manga was perfect for him, lots of world building, obvious but well done emotional connections, and

Also remember how much I was on my Gameboy, no clue how I could have spent so many hours playing Tetris, Revenge of the Gator, and Super Mario Land.

You should also see your other Daddy, just smile and nod during his Objectivist rants, he is really too old to change now.

When Angela ended up being moved tot he Marvel Universe where she came from a realm that cared more about material reward then nothing else… not sure if that has to do with anything.

Only time I have seen breaking the fourth wall as a dramatic action.It worked really well.

Look out, gin. Tara's home!

Perlman also plays Slade/Deathstroke in the Teen Titans cartoon… did a great job with the character.

Tell that to all the times Sikh temples get shot up.

He played Mysterio in the movies that were filmed in the Ultimate universe comics. Later on a real supervillian Mysterio appeared, turned out to be 616 Mysterio controlling a robot. Comics are weird.

Seeing the trailers made me think it was stupid, but fun stupid, unlike the trailers for the first movie which was just overall stupid. Might check it out when it hits streaming or Rifftrax.

There are people who make a living at Magic tournaments, it also is selling better now then it did before so something is working.

Isn't to impressive, the male uses his enlarged pedipalpes so it looks more like oral sex then anything.

Not to mention Dolphins, lots of rape there.

Moondragon was a Daredevil villain for some reason.

If I remember correctly he fought the Avengers when Scott Lang joined, so an Avengers/Ant-Man villain.

He was the big bad but only really appeared in two arcs of Alias. The other stories will not work well in the MCU right now, something with Captain America and his girlfriend, a story about mutant panic and something dealing with the Jameson's and mutant growth hormone.

Ultimate Spider-Man had him working on the Bugle's website…

Well she has to kill a bunch of people before she realizes how bad it is kind of like Superman.

Don't they take the video down if you show the bits?