
Also since Fox already has the rights to Alien they can use the Brood with no legal problems!

Kind of like that AMA boycott from giving their gay employees health benefits in 1997, that sure destroyed them.


Remember in the commentary he was so happy that Nixon jokes still worked.

Was disappointed when in a later episode they showed the Democratic headcourters and it was sad… Republicans had a vampire the Democrats should have had a spotted owl or a werewolf….

Yep the realization I had spent way too long watching shows about Japanese high school made me just give up on almost all anime… Didn't help that I gave one series a chance and it started interesting but ended in the biggest cliche imaginable.

your not the boss of me!

I don't think Mystique is in this one.

Well the DCAU version where it is a heartfelt sacrifice to save his son, unlike in the comics where someone stole his ability to talk to fish and stuck his hand in an Amazonian river.

The Alamo aka if your commanding officer has an obsession with dying heroically in battle, suggest to be moved to another division.

200 million? Rumors are it is up to 400 million.(with marketing costs)

Well he was alluded to on Supergirl…

Also they were selling merchandise, like branded coffee… Companies really do not like that.

Now I have to check out the flavors of the day near me…

Depends on what they are doing, usually the shorts are okay and the live shows are fun to watch in a crowded theater.

Didn't the MST3k episode end up causing the movie to get into the black?

Well this is the a la-carte cable that people have been talking about wanting for the past 20 years or so.

Yep the book is flawed but Spielberg is a great director that has a history of taking flawed books and making classic movies.

So another season of Good Eats?

Was I the only one going "burn the body…burn the body…." at the end.
I could see a lot of groups wanting to get a hand on it.