
Well there is one thing in the universe who defeated her… Very closely related to Jessica Jones…

What would a Rum and Coke be without soda?

So they are racist caricatures?

"Hey big star, want a lot of money for coming in and doing lines for a couple days, we have good craft services!"

The lesson from the Alamo if your commanding officer is obsessed with dying heroically in battle try to get transferred asap.

Looks like Jim Dale was correct in the first audio book… Granted don't know why Rowling would wait till now to correct people. Why didn't she tell Chris Columbus on day one of shooting the first movie.

Isn't that Tornado's Schtick in the cartoons? He gets blown up a lot.

Hey I know of a Spider-Man story you might like…

She does do some American movies, she was Blink in the latest X-Men movie. (teleporting purple mutant)

Thankfully little bottles of booze are real easy to sneak in, It is a great mixer.

Actually he just got a really good run by Warren Ellis which would work for a fucked up miniseries.

Worse that is what the studios will think….

You think you have it bad? Look at my one eyed ball python!

::looks up the mix::
Wow Rug puppies are cute.

They are assholes like that. You can buy them descanted which helps a little. They are also spayed/neutered so the males don't mark territory as much and the females don't go into estrus and have the excess estrogen kill them.

I don't know, if you get an Oscar or Moray eel they have a lot of personality. They can recognize individual people.

I did like what they did with him in Young Justice. Made the classic Teen Titan Red Arrow and the angsty one armed arsenal work.

I don't think he is in this version, they might ad him in a later season.

Well yes after goblinization in 2021 Troll actors have their roles cut out for them.

Remember seeing that scene and thinking "there are people running in a brontosaurus stampede why the hell am I bored?" Was an early indication of Peter Jackson action scenes that seemed to be 50% longer then they should be. As to the CGI not looking good, remember with big movies not all effects are done with the