
They might complain more, look at the MLK monument added to Stone Mountain.

… almost all the statues are officers, enlisted/;drafted men get ignored.

Janet Jackson did something horrible!!! Don't know why you mentioned Timberlake, he didn't do anything.

To be fair this lawsuit took a while to get to this point… just released at the most embarrassing time for Trump.

Hey Ford stopped supporting the Nazis, granted it was in 42 but stopped…

The at club cover by they might be giants was great. Got the staff to sing along.

Come on it was the Mon Calamari doing a production of Squid Lake, you have to respect that….

To be fair it is a YouTube comment section, you find horrible posts on videos of kittens.

Piña coladas? Don't they mean New Glarus beers and Old Fashioneds?

It has three settings!

Surprised they didn't mention one of the weirder things about Kite Man, Brave and the Bold had him played by Jeffrey Combs.

Granted some of his villains became better with different writers like the Purple Man.

That's where all the cool mutant girls hang out.

Where in Florida .., in the south they are starting to get really worried about sea levels rising.

And that was the moment I stopped caring about South Park… The fact that this is brought up whenever global warming is brought up does not make regret this decision.

They did that already its called the Phantom, the movie sucked.

No Mulan? Always good to see Ming-Na Wendoing stuff and I stopped watching the latest season of Agents of Shield.

Same as the ending of the Civil War comic released the next year…

I usually go to Hammock Hut, Hammocks-R-Us, Put-Your-Butt-There or Swing Low, Sweet Chariot.

And there are a couple references to MBMBAM in the show.