
Don't forget the video game version which essentially just has you play solo against the enemy, but takes care of the book keeping of the tabletop version. It allows you to discover combos like the massive damage Mr Fixer does with Dual Crowbars and any sort of damage buff.

I don't know Mars does have the awesome Meteor Shower which allows you to spend a few rounds setting up your characters while the villains can't deal damage.

I think the SNL skit counts as a true Ant-Man appearance,Garrett Morris gad a cameo in the newest movie…

They tried that in the comics it was not well liked…

I think we should use it, there will be no long term consequences or wars with metal bird people.

Tyson was a wrestler which might give him an advantage.

Don't forget the most romantic city in the world… MIlwaukee!

Wondered why there wasn't one line about how unrealistic a Mutant Superhero was.

Shadowrun… Nothing more fun when doing mundane things. We had a "run" to move a couch that spiraled into a massive gang war.

Its nice to see Campbell doing well. Loved her stuff in the Exalted Rpg, even if she did go overboard on the pierced nipples.

Sort of like Dexter but with sexual crimes…

…The Time stone is still out there….

Well Cloud and Mystique might not count, They can change their appearance of gender if they wanted to.

My family it was a can of peas and Cambells tomato soup. I had lots of sodium growing up.

You have to love the comic where he visits a space station…

Actually in the miniseries you see him using a braille display to help research articles, I thought that was a nice touch.

It would be cool to see some of that stuff. The Ghibli Borrowers movie did some great things with water and other materials.

They had to update it to include Eyelash mites. (look it up)

Sad thing is the amount of supporters who show up on other message boards for this guy…

The sad thing this is the franchise that said that gay people don't exist in the universe in 2009.