
As far as I'm concerned, Korrasami subtext is now just text.

Thus confirming his status as the worst Pokémon ever.

Actually, a lot of the naming conceits in the original Big Hero 6, including the team name itself, came from the idea that they were poor English translations of the names they went by in their native Japan. It risks cringe-ness now, but it was surprisingly self-aware for 1998.

Well-observed. And even more amusingly, she was using it to dodge *very* aggressive air blasts from Korra, when we have three seasons of Aang demonstrating that air blasts might be the most inefficient use of airbending there is.

I find it interesting that Kuvira's fighting style is so reminiscent of the Dai Li—another earthbending faction absolutely devoted to suppressing freedom in the name of order. I doubt it'll ever even be addressed, but I'm curious if Kuvira is consciously copying them, or if this is a matter of repeating history

I will concede that Wynn Duffy, Dewey Crowe, and Dickie Bennett can give him a hell of a run for his money.

Despite that incredible range, I would be lying if I said I didn't want him to just show up in full Boyd Crowder mode.

Walton Goggins is exactly the sort of actor that should always be on Tarantino's speed dial. He's quirky, he's damn sharp, and he's almost always the best thing about whatever he's in.

…You mean the units? Because you could just say the units. We've all seen the episode, dude. It's not like it's a spoiler we need withheld from us.

You know the funny thing about classic literature, though? So much of it was critically dismissed, but nonetheless popular during its time of publication. The likes of Austen, Shakespeare, and Doyle were sneered at by a lot of their contemporaries, but they've lasted thanks to the enduring love of a devoted audience.

Honestly, I can't imagine Varrick's ego would allow him to share part of his name with anyone else. The proper term for shipping Varrick and Zhu Li is just "Varrick."

I actually would like it more if Varrick had no idea, and that this setup for a double-cross was just something Zhu Li was doing on her own initiative.

She's definitely more of a Sozin, I think. She even used the same rhetoric about spreading peace and infrastructure to the rest of the world, etc.

I'm currently working under the assumption that Zaofu will fall. With that in mind, Kuvira won't be satisfied having just the Earth Kingdom reunited. She's going to want to take back everything, including what the Fire Nation took. That puts her up against the United Republic, which sets us up for a finale in the only

I'm not a Freddy, but I am a Krueger. Trust me: the last name's bad enough. Everyone you meet is polite enough to supply the first name for you, and think they're the first one to ever do so.

I dreamed about it.

I'm from Wheaton, and my last name is Krueger. You'd better believe I got the Freddy jokes my entire life.

Reagan AND Bush.

Maybe I just read his character differently, but between what he showed us in season two and what Zaheer said about him in season three, I got the impression he was just power-hungry, and all he did was change which vehicle he used to get himself power.

I agree that Amon and Zaheer both had real points to make, and I find it troubling that the show really hasn't revisited the bender/non-bender divide since season one. But I'm curious: what grander point do you think Unalaq was trying to make?