
Excuse you, AV Club, but Roose Bolton was poisoned by his enemies. God, weren't you paying ANY attention?

Neither is Theon, these days.

I'm saying that I really only care when America (or really, the anglophone world in general) does it.

1) Japanese film casting practices are irrelevant in a discussion about the American film industry.

I wish I could be purely excited for this, because it looks absolutely gorgeous. But yeah, there's no reason besides general shittiness to create a rich world steeped in Japanese culture, populated with Japanese characters, and then giving the job of portraying all the most major ones to non-Asian actors. I'm really

I don't know what will distinguish me more in this comments section: the fact that I enjoyed this video, or the fact that I enjoy anything, period.

That's true, but all they need is the ability to generate the technically true headline that the movie grossed a billion dollars.

That trailer was the exact reason I used GotG as my point of comparison above, actually.

China will save this movie from being a flop. What this movie will actually cost Warners is prestige and the already flinty support of the domestic audience. I imagine their next move will be to go all-in on Suicide Squad, in the hopes of making it their Guardians of the Galaxy.

By all accounts, Snyder is still on board to direct both JLA movies.

To quote some guy on Twitter, my favorite sage of our times:
"Studios keep giving Zack Snyder money in the vain hopes that lightning will strike once."

I think because it's not right in front of our faces. (For the record, it does bother me, but I usually keep quiet about it because no one else cares.)

Yup. I've got a book out soon that a couple of people are starting to look at. My protag's Chinese, and I did everything I could to make it awkward/impossible for someone to change her race without causing snarls in the story. But even then, a sufficiently dedicated screenwriter could still find a way around my

Sympathy? No. Humanity? Yes.

If we use Call of Duty as our metric, I'd have to be in this comments section defending Muslims instead of Native Americans.

I mean, I can easily see why they wouldn't be inclined to do it, too, though my answer is just a single word that rhymes with "schmacism."

I think if we can take the time to find the pathos in a one-handed, vengeance-mad pirate captain, we can take a moment or two to portray Native Americans as literally anything other than the stereotype that's dogged their whole existence and helped prop up their government-sponsored genocide without suspending the

You'll get no argument from me there, Sir Rumpterfrabble.

Your argument here conflates "Japanese" with "Japanese-American," when the truth is that the two are very different groups of people, with different concerns. Mangaka in Japan aren't in touch with the problems faced by out of work Japanese-American actors waiting tables in Echo Park. Of course they wouldn't think

Or, call me crazy, we could just rewrite the role so it isn't problematic, or so it addresses the problematic aspects of the source material, then cast a Native American actress to play it?