
In an alternate universe, the team realized from the get-go that it wanted Kuvira to be their last major villain. They made her a major part of Team Avatar in season one, and over the past three seasons we were treated to her slowly turning into a darker character as a kind of reverse Zuko.

How can you possibly say that about the star of DRUMLINE?

I think Brooklyn Nine Nine could definitely benefit from an actor of his caliber.

Are you one of the Final Five? It's okay. You can tell us now.

The accent is actually not his normal speaking voice. He was raised in southern California.

Or Pedro Pascal, who I could totally see as a hotshot-asshole-surgeon-turned-repentant-magician.

It wouldn't kill Marvel to engage in some colorblind casting.

*sees a list of only white men*

Please. If you started a fight, I'd deck you.

I hear that. I'm Asian, so I got to deal with the fact that I was the ethnicity it's "okay" to openly make fun of, working on the assumption that we can cry into our piles of Model Minority money if our feelings got hurt too badly.

I actually had the opposite experience. I grew up as basically the only PoC in my hyper-white town, and didn't really come to appreciate that I was Different from everyone else until I was, like, fifteen. But then I started to realize things that I'd taken for granted, like adults asking if you were adopted or where

She's also like Toph in that she values martial strength over introspection, and her personal life's suffered because of those priorities.

Not as hard as Asami's pushing it.

A little further downstream, I and some others highlighted a couple ways in which the creative team drew explicit parallels between Korra and Zuko.

I know too many hardworking people who work in reality TV to just dismiss the format out of hand. I will concede that developing a slate of them was rather out of step with what the network was attempting to do. But AMC's real problem isn't that; it's that it's had years to get its ducks in a row creatively, and it

Honestly, their crop of dramas has been pretty weak since Rubicon.


In my apartment, the sequence of events went like this:
-Roommate: "I think Toph shows up in this episode."
-Me: "If she says Twinkle-Toes, I will Kermit flail."
-Toph: *shows up*
-Toph: "…Twinkle-Toes."
-Me: *Kermit flails*
-Me: *is a grown man fully dressed for work*