
I like your analysis of the character of Gaius, Sonia, but all those qualities you listed are exactly why I like to watch him so much. It's the same reason I enjoy watching Littlefinger skulk in and out of frame over on Game of Thrones, even though he's probably the single most despicable man in Westeros. That

I have a thing for Cally, but if I have to be honest I think it's just left over from my feelings for Firefly's Kaylee.

Do you want miffed Archer fans?

It's a poor script showcasing a great performance, in my opinion.

I think the real misstep Aang's children took was pitting Ming Hua against Kya. It was like Bolin versus Ghazan: just giving the enemy ammunition. Bumi wouldn't have fared much better against Ming Hua, but Kya might've stood a chance against Ghazan (who has, in my opinion, emerged as the most dangerous fighter of

I definitely think you're on the money. After all, as a non-bender Zaheer still earned himself an elaborate max-security prison at the top of a mountain.

She IS Harley Quinn, living under an assumed name. I've already made it my headcanon.

My roommate and I watched the Hannibal finale in silent, mounting horror. With the Morello episode, we were flat-out SCREAMING at her to get out of the house. Should give you an idea of exactly how into it we got…

I justify Zaheer's combat dominance to myself by figuring that most soldiers in the world haven't ever had to fight an airbender before. They have the kind of crazy mobility and unpredictability that even waterbending can't boast. Against someone who knows a thing or two about airbending—in this case, Tenzin—Zaheer

You had excellent commentary, but you got my upvote for "Ming-Huactopus."

I have to agree with Oliver's assessment: this season has shaped itself into the best of either series so far—a feat I never thought possible, given the amazing quality of ATLA, book two. I just can't credit the team enough for how well they've used every tool at their disposal. The plots are dovetailing, the

Someday, I will write a story about the production intern whose job it was to shave corners off of every prop. It will open with her placing a phone call to order a bajillion grey tank tops, and a bajillion smaller black ones to go over them.

Have you tried Kenny's logins?

DID YOU KNOW: This is the second piece by Dowd today that refers to a movie as "poker-faced."

Or he could've just not known. I mean, it would've behooved him to look it up first, but we don't necessarily know it's denial.

That's a fun fact. Here's another fun fact: YOU MADE OUT WITH YOUR SISTER, MAN.

Precisely what provoked me to make this comment in the first place. And that's especially odd, considering all the love it gets on this site.

Poor Justified. It's got solid ratings, and it's been FX's most consistently strong drama since The Shield (Sons was briefly hopeful, but man have the wheels come off on that one). But for whatever reason, it never seems to get its due.

A completely legit critique of his work. For what it's worth: I've read the unproduced screenplays he wrote during his Hollywood years, and while I do like them a lot, the pop culture reference density is far heavier there.

While I dig BKV's writing, I've found his work to be very love-it-or-hate-it when I introduce my friends to it.