
I'm a bit fuzzy on Kickstarter's policies, but I think he's not legally allowed to spend his money on anything unrelated to the potato salad project he's promised.

I thought of Kai as a commentary on Aang, actually. It even sounded like they cast a ZTE doppelgänger to voice him.

I caught a preview screening of this. I really dug it. The entire theater was fucking dying the whole time.

He's good, but if we want to crown someone most consistent in comedy, I don't think you can get much better than Edgar Wright.

Does anyone else think Allison and Ramone are one "Yeah, bitch!" away from becoming the Canadian Walt and Jesse?

You could also make the argument that Kendal slots into roughly the same niche as Loretta, where both get used as an emotional fulcrum within their respective clans (and by Raylan) in order to provoke action and further their scheming. And of course, both Loretta and Kendal are wise beyond their years (though Loretta…

Some great lines tonight, but my favorite was when Tim told Boyd to leave out the parts of his story they tend to skip. It's almost a direct quote of Elmore Leonard's most famous piece of writing advice.

I created an AV Club account just to point out that this picture makes him look like the spitting image of a young Boyd Crowder.