
Wow, this Kimberly really talks completely out of her ass - thoughtlessly blurting out private information in order to appear important while at the same time being completely ignorant of her limitations. SHE'S PERFECT.

I've long wondered at the source of that strange aphorism.

I'm leaning towards agreement. I picked up an In-N-Out last year in Vegas, and I was deeply underwhelmed (and I had really been hoping for something special). Shake Shack I still like quite a bit, but a location just opened near me, and I feel like either their quality control is slipping or I'm just getting tired

"The key image (and when, necessary, metaphor) of the series has always been the xenomorph—the alien of title, a spiny, 7-foot-tall malformed horror with acid blood and a skull like a elongated eggplant that peels back into a rictus grin of metallic teeth, hiding a thrusting, whac-a-mole pharyngeal jaw."

This is absolutely true. I've had terrible sours, but some of the sours I've had are also some of the best and most distinctive beers I've drank. There are a lot of different ways a beer can be sour.

He doesn't refer to much of anything, these days.

They both deserve articles, but AVC writers might be a bit young for that one. I dunno how much currency it still has in today's dorm rooms.

Putin prefers to have him marinated in urine.

I know he's the face of evil, but sometimes I really can't help but feel sorry for Spicey. It's the same kind of sympathy I occasionally feel for telemarketers. I mean, he obviously chose to do this, but…what if he didn't? Maybe they have his wife somewhere.

I would actually be very disappointed if anyone in the cluster dies. I know you are supposed to have that possibility for dramatic tension, but it just wouldn't feel right for this show. And imagine how vulnerable the whole cluster would be without certain of its members.

Yeah, Cooper's had enough of this. So much enough of this that he keeps pointing a camera at this defective marionette. And staging go-nowhere panel discussions between groups of hot air fronts. I'm so impressed with his eye roll. Why ban her from the network when you can obtain this kind of satisfaction?

I don't think they ever actually showed ass crack, though.

Ten year-old you and twenty-three year-old me had something in common.

Oh, stop.

It is not defined!

Ah, that wasn't clear to me…after all, it's binge-ready. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Why don't you tell us how that comes to pass? I love a good spoiler!

I came here to say much the same. This was some of Arrow's best character work. Felicity walking away over William was always very shitty. That was not the issue to make all about her. It actually wasn't any of her goddamn business. Imagine Oliver getting angry at Felicity for not telling her about a kid she gave

I also thought his reaction to getting injected with adrenaline to be genuinely funny. I think Amell's been slowly improving as an actor throughout the run, and this episode really showcased it. The scene where he confessed his revelation via torture was very well-delivered and empathy-provoking.

It still can't hold a candle to Street Spirit.