
A quick google images search makes that seem unlikely to me. She's not my type, but I know a lot of dudes who would feel differently.

"Sure, the title is based on her initials, but do you think she ever regrets giving her empire such a dumb name?"

(A bit less sophisticated, honestly—I‘m not sure if this is a taboo opinion or not, but this season is pretty clearly a cut above the original run of the show.)

How spontaneous! I'm sure it took him only two hours to get into make-up this time. Of course an hour forty-five was spent trying hats.

Listening to Charly Bliss the last week got me wondering about a lot of these 90's acts, so it's great to see Juliana is out there. I'm pretty surprised at how unchanged her voice sounds.

I feel like AVC used to feel side against this lawsuit until everyone decided that Blurred Lines was advocating date rape.

C'mon, there's a new barn every four years.

Does that include chubby vegans? I guess they're not in the cargo hold, but why split hares?

They used to have some kind of national reserve, but I heard it was discontinued the year after I got bit. I don't know how bad it would have been without it; hard to say, but I hear it's still not that bad. Relatively speaking.

If MC had a quid for every time someone said that, "third one" included, 'e'd have an 'ole lotta quid.

I can attest to the relative non-deadliness of copperheads, having been bitten by one about seven years back. It was still a night in the hospital with antivenin and morphine.

The video was a blast from the past, but the article's Gamer Gate tie-in was really stretching things. Besides, joking about Gamer Gate is almost as dated as that commercial. Why not another article on the Harlem Shake while you're at it?

This show is such a gift. Even more than Ash vs. Evil Dead and Twin Peaks, this is the arrival I've be waiting for, and it's everything I could want.

He might have said that in a different thread, or as part of the same comment, but I'm positive he spoke directly to the issue of content recently.

You gotta respect that kind of commitment.

O'Neal basically said in a newswire a couple weeks ago that they were going to ignore the haters like us in the comments who are tired of this shit, because…these articles get more clicks. I appreciate the honesty, but it was exceptionally disappointing to hear that from Sean.

Wow, this Eliot guys is opinionated! AVC should create a new column where he tells women that they are stupid and how to be better feminists. Make it REALLY LONG…and don't forget to have Marah Eaken chime in to shit on these dumb patriarchal bitches. This is exactly what I have my AVC bookmark in a folder entitled

Ah, it's like the AVC of old up in here. Been a while since I've read a terrific piece on this site. Reliably by Will, of course.

We're all in Amsterdam, according to the Uber driver I chatted with there.

My nephew proudly recounts the time he touched the fan when I threw him onto the bed - I wish he wouldn't always bring that up in front of my sister in law.