
What's out of character is how rarely TV Avsaralla curses. They're getting better, but book Avsaralla would have called her TV version a fucking pussy.

Hey, he admitted a mistake…I'll accept it!

At least this press secretary will have some accurate information to pass on. I'm already pretty psyched.

Where is the apology to Dr. Dao and his patients? Who is he apologizing to?

Response eating is my favorite type of eating…and responding.

I smell a new press secretary…because he really needs a bath after soccer practice.

Just like Teddy Roosevelt!

"…made me feel like an insect that had wandered into the wrong hive."

Two cheerleaders who are disasters in journalism.

Nice April Fools joke…although us Samurai Jack fans are feeling a little put out. I know this show is supposed to be good, but is it good enough that I should be happy the premier pushed back another SJ episode by a week?

To be specific, I'm talking about my reaction to the books, although the TV adaptation hasn't yet been substantially different in this respect. Second, I'm not outraged or going after the show as a whole. It's possible for the show to be very progressive about gender but sexist in this one little way. I don't

I've felt the origin of this issue you refer to is the fact that Holden is a bit of a Mary Sue for the authors. His flaw is that he's TOO NICE. Oh, come on! It's really too much.

I've always felt, even in the books, that Holden and Naomi were the weakest characters. Holden has always been sort of a bland Boy Scout, and Naomi has always been boringly super-competent. I never really understood why she wasn't the captain. I don't really blame the actors so much as the roles themselves.

*Pants happily*

OPM as a movie? I could see it, but it would take some work to squeeze it into that format. There would need to be much rejiggering.

I came here to complain that this wasn't called Ham Diesel. So thank you.

I prefer puppers. For my puppy. Who is perfect.

I hope Cracker Barrel wisely caves to this pressure, and releases sensitive employment information online to the world at the behest of someone who claims to be the husband of the ex-employee in question. That's the smart thing to do. After all, they were commanded by the King of Australia.

I'm not a big fan of his reviews, either, but apparently for very different reasons. Also, I really thought I was the asshole around here. There's a vicious quality to your critique that is unwarranted for someone who hasn't punched your mother or ruined your country.

I agree with you but I've learned there isn't much patience among progressives for thinking in practical terms. The left has only one significant play these days, and that's to call out racism. To suggest that they are unaware that this is an unpersuasive approach would be to mistakenly imply that they care about