
Counterpoint: why bother?

Her coverage of Flint sucked ass and sorry, her coverage of the Russian connections has been mediocre. People love her because she says the things they want to hear. Not because she's accurate or puts things in perspective or doesn't wildly truncate quotes to say what she wants. Last night was just more of the same.

Maddow is hacky as fuck, always has been. She may say pleasing things but her "journalism" is super sloppy. She is the master of the selective quote. This is completely empty journalism, and Maddow did it just for ratings. The consequence will be that some will say this just shows that there's nothing to worry

I had sworn off the AVC for a while, but hell, this is Samurai Jack…

A little foreshadowing: when Fred Johnson namechecks the different OPA factions, he mentions the Inaros group, nodding towards someone (I wonder who!). I was surprised that Naomi was in the room under those circumstances. For those who haven't read the books, this won't make sense until probably around the late

Yeah, I don't think Draper and Avasarala are very similar. They do have overlapping interests and goals, but their personalities are quite different. Bobbie is always a very straightforward warrior, and Avasarala is always looking to work an angle.

Don't worry, he's a very minor character in the books. Minor enough that I don't recall when we stopped seeing him.

Well, this is a low point for AVC. I guess I'm out. I'll check in during the months ahead, in case it gets its act together. It makes me way sadder than I should be over a little website…it's just that I've been following AVC since it's print days in the early 90s in Madison. For a few years, this was definitely

What's a book-store?

…was the host of The Price Is Right.

"Fortunately for us all, the press is not a child that can be distracted by something shiny."

Damn, Picard to the rescue! If only it was so simple… It touches me that this awesome person would want to become a citizen in my country in perhaps its worst hour. Maybe I'll delay my application for Australian citizenship.

I think you're right: they're going to want to staunch the bleeding before it gets any worse, so Sessions will recuse. If this news cycle lasts too long, there will be more and more calls for him to resign and possibly even be charged with lying under oath. And the administration can't have two top appointments

It comes from being in a country big enough to have wildly disparate regions.

Not only has the Trump administration done 10 worse things in the first hour of each day, but I don't even care about this at all. Not even one little bit.

Exurbs are just wannabe suburbs.

Movie industry? How about life?

One day Will Smith will wake up and realize his son became Carlton.

I hope this townhall stuff leads to something valuable. Too often, democrats expertly complain while republicans get things done. If these townhalls are to be valuable, it will be as a catalyst to more significant action. The democratic party needs to engage on the local level and challenge GOP gerrymandering. 3

That photo at the top is begging for a caption. What are you trying to say, Gordon?