
In America, all men with power are addressed as "Chef," while the greatest of these must be referred to as "Bloodlord."

I just wanted to say I appreciated your clever use of punctuation marks. The tw@ was particularly nice.

He's kidding.

I've stopped watching since partway through season 3, but it doesn't surprise me that Phil would be the only character to stand out at this point. Ty has always been the strongest player in this ensemble, although I always loved JTF as a runner-up. Cam was great in the first season, and then he descended into


"…disgusting close-ups of retinas…"

Well, Maher can be a bit of a troll, too, so he's not going to understand this argument.

Hey, there were way worse violations of reality (those bombs should have been easier for Miller to move in microgravity, I think), but that's simply a concession to the fact that this is a show and you want to see their faces.

There was one last night that really stretched out the "fuuuuuu…" to the point where it was unclear whether or not they finished the "…ck". In fact, I have to rewatch because I think one character said "fuuuu…" and another finished it with "…ck." Which is a really funny and creative way around the censors. I wish I

This is a pretty solid adaptation of the books. I think Wes Chatham was an excellent choice to play Amos - he's not at all like I pictured the character, but to his credit he has changed my mental picture. My only major disappointment is that Avasarala is nowhere near as bracing as she is in the books. In the

Yup. And that's not a mistake of the TV adaptation.

Yup, some of em die.


For some bizarre reason, it amuses me to imagine that this went down in a Sizzler.

"Again, what is the correct course of action?"

It was the commas, wasn't it?

Hmm, color me intrigued.

What are you thinking of? For some strange and unpleasant reason, the only thing I remember her being in was Exit to Eden.

That's true, buy McCarthy's Spicer was sublime.

Another thing to consider: Rosie O'D isn't that funny.