
I really didn't like this movie when I saw it on release. It seemed cheesy as hell, and the total breakdown in realism killed the suspense for me. I haven't seen it since watching it in the theaters, so maybe a revisit is in order.

Beautiful art…the layout and perspectives reminded me a lot of Manhattan Projects, but the detail is a lot prettier.

The movie sounds great, and the review was terrific.

When you're alive that long, you've done everything at least once. And those Bible guys begat so many kids that I'm sure they lost track and occasionally smote one.

Might as well take the credit, since we need a new president. You'd just spend the refund on yo-yos and penny whistles, and THEN where would we be?

Have I been arguing this whole time with someone who doesn't understand what "rhetorical" means? OK, this is even more a waste of time than I thought. I'm done - go ahead and have the last word.

That's a weak framing of a potentially reasonable argument. If you're going to snark, do it well. For all your attempts at hip sarcasm, it comes off as schoolmarmish and desperately unfunny. If I ignore that, there's the seed of a decent point. Clause, clause.

Rhetorical questions: Do you speak any language other than facile sarcasm? Is there any point to this conversation you started?

Good point. Yes, it could be an interesting topic if well-handled.

That's a lot of stereotypes! "Trilby" sounds like a dig at a hipster in 2010 or a PUA from Reddit, while the Mountain Dew and Cheetos and DBZ make me sound like a basement-dwelling internet troll. I'm trying to find the point that these images intersect with my comments, but I'm just guessing you're throwing in a

It's possible to hate the current political situation and still enjoy pitch black humor. Also there is no need to put PC culture in quotes when an article like this undeniably indulges in those impulses. Progressives should stop pretending there's no such thing.

Another shitty AVC article. I'd say the decline became very apparent after the Univision purchase. I used to love this place. Now, it pumps out self-important drek like this. Once again: NOBODY comes to AVC for the politics. Listen to your fucking readers, please.

Jesus AVC, but aren't you becoming a bunch of uptight PC scolds. Make sure that black comedy isn't TOO black, you know what I mean? Make sure it's safe as fuck. I really want to know what you consider to be "proper" topics for films and comic books. Yes, that is why we all come here!

I'm giving reality a D-.

The Resident Evil series is what the Underworld series wishes it was.

That was no dream.

I have a feeling that Mr. Spicer might not actually believe or enjoy saying some of the things that he's forced to say. Don't mistake this as sympathy…he's just another republican who knows better but lacks a backbone.

"On the GOP front, McCain and Graham temporarily grew their balls back…"

I live in NY, and I'm unaware of the NY style dog. My understanding is that our hot dogs sucked hard. Which is why I don't generally eat them. Which is probably why I don't know there's a NY style. Help me break the cycle.

I hear ya. This shit is obviously ridiculous and Trump supporters are going to apply an absurd double standard to pretty much every situation. Personally, I've completely written off those guys. If there's a sign of hope, it's the current approval ratings, which are very low and will only get lower. That suggests