
Why is Seth Green eternally 25?

Look, Trump is a world-class fucknut. But Madonna is not the standard bearer who we need. Saying "fuck" wasn't the stupid thing…saying she wants to blow up the White House, however, was. It's totally indulgent and counterproductive, and it makes the anti-Trump cause look bad to people who lack a strong commitment

Hell's asshole.

I'm imagining something like the Hunger Games, where the winner is declared God. Wouldn't you know it, Gary always wins.

Honestly, it's a good preface for most of the AVC articles these days, especially GJIs.

Comrade, I agree about the American history! DT <3 VP

The content of recent outbursts suggest that Trump is listening to Bannon and his ilk, swallowing the weakest arguments and conspiracy theories that best serve his vanity. In other words, I think he actually believes the things that he's saying. I'm not sure if that's better or worse than the alternative.

I'm still hopeful.

This is the way the world ends; not with a bang, but a honk.

"Presumed dead after the events of the first film, it turns out that Cage is still very much alive, and using his secret agent super-skills to ski through the jungle and do skateboard tricks down the side of mountains in order to help the poor people of Brazil steal cable."

"Still, if we had an opposition party that was more like the Eisenhower Republicans, this might even be a functional republic."

Why choose? I'm sure we'll get them both!

It's even easier to dismiss you when you're just trolling. I actually thought you believed what you were saying before, so well done.

In all fairness, Trump has no idea who Lewis is. He did for about five minutes after a briefing yesterday, but that time has passed.

Hillary wanted WWIII with Russia? You make it so easy to dismiss everything that you say.

OK then, nice to know you're not some kind of weird apologist, but I'm still a bit flummoxed by your point, since I haven't heard anyone say the contrary.

This point that "you can be for better relations with Russia" is a classic example of a straw man. I haven't heard anyone suggest otherwise, in any venue. It's just a tiny bit troubling to consider that the president of the US might be in the pocket of the king of Russia.

Easily qualifying as the best thing that Lorre ever wrote.

Most people just edge away from me, but you did it with class.

You said it better than me.