
"The strength of the army of the dead comes from their massive numbers and lack of fear."

I think there is still a spell that keeps him from crossing it. I bet the dragon could melt it, though I kind of suspect it will have ice breath now.

"From the moment it was introduced, the plan was built on the tenuous notion that Cersei is more likely to agree to work together with Daenerys and Jon if she sees a Wight in person."

Hey, AV, gimme my fucking money…

Crap, you did have a dragon on the last line, but only Drogon. I wouldn't bet on him cuz he's gonna take a powder. The Night King will kill a dragon, that's my bet.

How about a dragon? How come no odds on them? I want in, and I'm going to put half my fake money on a dragon. Should be a good payoff if it happens. We saw that they are vulnerable. I call that foreshadowing.

Eh, we all do this to an extent, mostly unconsciously.

Gendry's war hammer is just a tiny bit ridiculously insane. Here's a real person holding a real war hammer:

Gah, sounds like I misread you. Let's be friends.

"Personally, I can't imagine wanting to be around people who mirror my views, aesthetically, politically or whatever."

I know exactly one guy who qualifies. For what it's worth, he's a complete loser.

Precisely! Burl is paying attention!

"..he was mocking fascism, or something?"

My parents took me to a showing in Tokyo when I was twelve. It freaked me the fuck out. I saw it again at fifteen and realized that I had been a dumb twelve year-old.

Goldeneye was a revelatory experience for me as a gamer, and it helped break me into the joys of FPS with humans and all that. But for me the FPS that has never been equaled would be the first Battlefield…good old 1942. I've enjoyed many of its successors, but none of them quite hit the same sense of scale and

A massed formation of these weapons would be a threat at any time of day. After all, once a dragon starts attacking, it's pretty easy to spot. A single bolt could take out a dragon and anyone riding it. Drogon caught himself, but let's not forget that he fell out of the sky when he was hit by the bolt, with Dany on

Good point. It was either a very easy-to-load ballista or a very big scorpion. Maybe it's more innovative than I thought.

All of those other things are infinitely more replaceable than a dragon. Now that she has proof of concept and a fat Iron Loan, she can replace those men and whip up a hundred more of those devices.

I don't think he shrugged it off, with that wounded shoulder.

I got a living room full of those motherfuckers!