
"For 10 whirlwind days, Anthony Scaramucci—a golem formed out of Entourage DVDs and sexually harassed waitresses, then brought to life by a magical pair of Oakleys—captivated the nation with his fiery, freewheeling rhetoric and fanciful jests about Steve Bannon sucking his own cock."

It sounds like she's trying to emulate Lorde and not quite getting there.

Bran's favorite power play seems to be reminding people of their most unpleasant memories.

I'm totally down with that.

Never liked her reviews, good riddance.

Don't worry, they really didn't.

This column was pretty damn good. It makes me think that it could be a good idea to have a rotating seat for your GJI columns where you bring in guest editors who are comedians. Maybe GJI wouldn't suck so hard if you did that. And it would even have pop culture relevance.

I thought that's what we're literally already doing.

It made me laugh really hard.

Klein is a mixed bag for me (her long form writing is strong on rhetoric but weak on hard evidence), but this was pretty damn good stuff.

It's my new hilarious fortune cookie coda!

Does a lesbian sex scene pass the Bechdel test? Only if they are talking!

Saw it in the theater. Biggest mistake of my life.

At this point, if Jon was smart, he would send a small expedition against the White Walkers. Maybe even for scouting/parlay. As he said, he's the ONLY person there who understands this threat. Of course they are going to be skeptical of Jon's plan to risk everything for a huge source of terrible materials for

My wife and I found out recently that our dog walker has an extensive vlog which is mostly filmed from our house. She also talks extensively about her drug use, how-tos on blow jobs (ugh, seriously) and other highly appropriate topics. Sometimes our dog makes a cameo (not in any of those how-tos, fortunately).

I've said it from the beginning: the leaks are the real scandal, here.

Swap out Moore for Rachael Maddow and we're good.

"All he did was beat the husband up in a fit of temper.. hardly brutal or barbarous."

That puts it mildly. I was a bit put-off by how truly reprehensible some of Jesse's actions are. Viktor did nothing to Jesse or Tulip to warrant a death by torture. That's just gross and insane. The beating delivered to poor Reggie, apparently without any lasting guilt, wasn't just brutal; it was the pointless

My prediction: