
Thanks, Sean
That was a very nice obituary for a great man.

@Unregistered but not Indifferent

No, she IS funny. Think about it.

I found the album pretty damn funny, including the title track. For me, what made that song so funny was not that it referred to a specific trend, but that it seemed to refer to a fashion style that is completely arbitrary. Not referring, but insisting on turtlenecks and skinny chains (and lite beer).

I dunno, any time they put her in something low cut, it's all veins and tendons. In last year's Hawaii finale, it looked to me like she has a bad boob job. It definitely detracts from her beauty, although it better fits the character as a non-glamorous mom who is generally aging well.

It was disturbingly believable and unpleasant looking.

I agree with the sentiment that this episode wasn't that funny. And I'm quite tired of the notion that people who say something like Modern Family has dipped in quality must be relentlessly hipper than thou spoilsports. The truth is that a lot of shows, musicians, directors, or whatever, have a hard time getting

Chinese 3D porn? Maybe I should turn off noscript.

Of course it's a Michel Gondry joint.

Season two was just so ambitious, and it managed to pull off some daring stuff with…elan? Yes, elan. I prefer season two.

Don't worry, ooooo, it wasn't even an especially good collection of erotic dog literature.

Hmm, toss up. They really are apples and oranges.

Allow me to split the difference. This season has been weaker on laughs, but this episode was an improvement if not quite a return to season one form. There were some good snappy lines, but there was a fair amount of downtime.


And good luck with that ape, let us know how that turns out.

Archmage, whether or not his credibility was on the line, dude didn't invent shit.

He's been here a while, petehammer.

Ugh, you sound like management. "Point man"? More like the guy who said yeah, let's do that. Most credit? How about 99% of it in the form of both money and recognition.

…the guy who actually invented compacts discs remains anonymous. Fortunately, this dude gave them the thumbs up, so he "helped" to invent the format.

The Belgariad
I absolutely loved this series of books when I was fourteen years old. I mean, they were perfect for me (at the time), and I practically lived inside them for a month or two.