Midnight Departure

Yes to Roseanne. I wish it had already started. And because of the show's relatively insular setting, the eps haven't even aged that badly. Even reading about its sad slide into mediocrity would be interesting.

This show is exceptional for setting up great conflicts with an unhurried, foreboding pace. I've really enjoyed watching Alexander and Cesare's relationship gradually fracture as Cesare asserts greater autonomy and seek his own destiny. I'm clearly siding with Cesare and often feel like yelling at Alexander, "You

The most famous black athlete in the world says he's Cablinasian. So we call Tiger Woods black.

If she hadn't been Asian, you perfectly described my ex-wife. If only I could get her committed to an institution.

Don't do it at work…but do it:

I just watched the 7th episode of Nurse Jackie (Showtime on demand) and it was exceptionally good. It rather infuriates me that AVClub dropped coverage of a show that might've had its most ambitious season last year because the 1st episode this year was a little off and did some backstepping under a new showrunner.

Well, there was one brief, one-second shot of the bottom end of the log, that showed the rings of the tree. From the bottom end, at least, it did not appear to have any rot and was not hollowed out. In fact, it looked quite freshly cut. Of course, that was Will's imagination, so who knows.

I had a big problem with the setting of the corpse totem construction. Isolated on a deserted beach backed by a forest, the only realistic way for a single man to construct the totem was while it was laying on the ground, just as Will fantasized.

I have never watched this show before tonight, but based on Todd's review I went ahead and binge-watched the last 5 eps of the series, which was all that was available via Comcast on demand. So my knowledge originates from the point when deputy-what's-his-name (and sex trafficker) was killed by Dylan during the great

The Middle breaks out from the pack of other family sitcoms due to the young actors playing the kids. We have rarely seen three child actors evolve from their semi-awkward initial episodes into assured and confident performers as we have with The Middle.

What, no season grade? I'd go with B+ (seems inevitable). B+ gives props to the series' potential and the 2nd season's quality, but leaves room for future growth and lavish praise.

"…but instead of immediately reversing course, Grimm went about gradually steering into the skid and bringing the plot around."

We should probably refer to her as the "incredibly hot wife" instead of mom, just so people know we're not referring to George's mom on the show!

Yeah, I hesitated to put HIMYM in that formulaic category, since I don''t watch the show that often, but when I did it felt like it fit. But you may well be right that the early years transcended formula.

Just in case you're not kidding, yes, she dies. And she dies without a single member of her family at her death bed.

I also respectfully disagree with my OWN categorization, in that even though I categorized The George Lopez Show as a second-tier formulaic comedy, it is also decent and occasionally pretty good. I've watched more episodes of George Lopez than Yes Dear and King of Queens combined. Granted, that was partly because of

I admit without shame that George Lopez and Everybody Loves Raymond were, TO ME, first-tier formulaic TV comedies.

Yeah, King of Queens. Wasn't really bad at all, good for a beer laugh, but never quite got me into caring even shallowly about the characters.

Haha, I guess he did. Damn, I count on people taking every word I write literally (unless, of course, it was delivered with obvious irony or sarcasm). I should try to understand that people don't comprehend the literal meaning of even the simplest contribution and much prefer to leap to conclusions based on their own

So @avclub-7f345bf7674869949fa92e37e245721b:disqus  your contention that Todd is "continually disappointing" because his reviews are rampant with "lazy, nebulous rambling" are based on the fact that Todd ironically posits that Matt Weiner is writing TV shows just to frustrate media critics? Have you ignored every