@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus "It's essentially about finding people who can write solid first drafts…"
@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus "It's essentially about finding people who can write solid first drafts…"
Did you miss the fact that I said *formulaic*? That eliminated several hundred great, groundbreaking, character-driven, brilliantly written and/or beautifully acted comedies from the list.
I didn't watch the finale either, but I also have a casual like of the show and caught up with a few eps On Demand. Reading Will's review, I could easily picture some of the line deliveries and they made me smile (not laugh, mind you, but a grin).
Well, I didn't expect a good grade for this finale, but a D? I think Phil's acidic feelings about the show seems to have led to an over-the-top caustic diatribe about the finale. Hey, hate-reviewing must be almost as fun as hate-watching, so have at it. But to put The Big C on the same level as the abysmal The…
Yeah, I read that and I completely agree with you. That would, in fact, be the ultimate realization of the serialization of the Borgia family. Whad'ya wanna bet we don't get that much, though? The Borgias seems on really thin ice as it is. A fourth season AND a two-hour movie? Be still my beating…
Respect. But yeah, I was gaga for it. Sublime relationship stuff.
Well, despite losing coverage, I'm very happy to see you (AV Club) will review the finale. Even if you give it a C.
The previous three mini-series episodes of The Big C were quite good; way better than anything in season 3. I look forward to a heart-breaking but well-prepared-for death for Cathy tonight. Damn you season 3! You lost half your audience and coverage on AV Club with your shenanigans!
Can't argue your points @avclub-26c0eb74eb2e815d15918a4ac46473ec:disqus but in the time-machine episode he was definitely straight. Not that one episode from the future would stop FG from making Stewie completely gay if they wanted to. He definitely has seemed quite gay or quite straight depending on the whims of the…
Absolutely. Stewie seems to swing both ways with abandon, but leans strongly towards being heterosexual. And when they showed Stewie all grown up in one time-machine ep, he was an awkard, shy virgin and definitely hetero. Meg is the one who evolved into aberrant sexuality, becoming transsexual.
It's funny, since I just mentioned this in the Mad Men review, but as we all know the grading here at A.V. Club is supposed to be against the best episodes a show has done or against the potential of the show (the latter being mostly for young series).
Same here. It's part of my Mad Men experience. Todd is an excellent writer and his reviews are generally the crown jewels of the A.V. Club.
I agree with you that Mad Men is better than anything else on TV (one or two shows might be in their stratosphere, but MM is still king). But, as we've all heard incessantly, the grading system is *supposed* to grade against other episodes of the same series and the potential quality of the series. In that sense, I…
I agree with all that, but bear in mind she only knew Bobby's name after a cutaway from the scene, so she might've gotten Bobby's name from Sally while she was making or serving the eggs. She clearly had cased the apartment building and learned some names of the residents (like Don), but she was really winging it when…
Damn, he was fucking manic! I got tired just imagining all the takes he had to go through.
B-12, caffeine and a shitload of liquified crystal meth.
No, Todd, NO, this didn't deserve an A! Save your best for the very best! THIS IS MAD MEN!
I'm generally a Family Guy defender who still acknowledges the decline of the show. But to me, neither half hour tonight rose to the occasion. Sure, as always, there's a few funny lines and some good scenes, but even more than ever I kept thinking, "wow, that joke REALLY fell flat."
The best song ever on SNL was when Elvis Costello stopped playing the "more commercial" song SNL expected him to play about 10 seconds into the song, and then regrouped with his band and launched into a blistering version of "Radio Radio."
I would of commented sooner if I'da knowed you guys needed my grammarian expertise.