The Mighty Douche

So, is Girls anything like Pulling?

So, is Girls anything like Pulling?

I'm really shocked that Don DeLillo has managed to push out three sequels. What a sell-out.

It may be a case of different strokes for different folks, but I still find non-makeup Monroe more attractive than Williams. Then again, I would take real Virginia Woolf over Nicole Kidman Virginia Woolf, so what do I know?

Can't believe I missed this! I'm so glad these guys are getting exposure outside Australia, they are all brilliant (although I would prefer to listen to a Sarah Blasko solo album than listen to this).

Although Michelle Williams is a fine actress, I think that this is a rare case of an actual person being played by someone less attractive than the real deal.

Gotye! Excellent choice, and I highly recommend everyone check out his work.

Oh dear, I've probably just encouraged him. It's weird, because most of his previous posts have been relatively sane.
Edit: He appears to have gone back and changed them all to variations on "CUNNILINGUS!!!!"

Is this some kind of new meme? Because Clement made a similar post on the 30 Rock review.

For some reason, I've seen that movie twice at school. In Australia. It's…not very good, although I feel bad saying that. Although it did give us such great lines of dialogue as "BOY, YOU ARE OVERCOOKIN' MAH GRITS!!!".

I watched "Cleaning Up" last night for the first time and the scene where (SPOILERS) Wallace gets shot was one of the tensest and most heartbreaking things I've ever seen on TV. Given I went into The Wire expecting it be overrated, I was shocked by how attached I'd become to the characters in such a relatively short


1975. The last fascist dictator in Western Europe died in 1975. That's crazy shit.


Third time lucky.

God, yes. I loved the first series, but now I'ma bout five episodes into Season 2, and every time I watch I keep checking my watch to see how many minutes are left. It just seems to have lost all momentum, and the characters, who were compellingly horrible in the first season, are now just horrible.

Not my fault - monkey bastard hands!


Thanks! I've been meaning to read Madox Ford's novels for a while now, so hopefully this will motivate me to track down The Good Soldier and Parade's End. And after the disappointment of War Horse, I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing WW1 "done right" on the screen.

Thanks - I'd read Catalonia, and had seen the film come up in some discussions of the book.