
I caught the show and it felt really great to watch. He's settling into old grooves and just being his wacky, absurdist, self. It's something the Tonight Show - whether he'll admit it or not - wanted him to tone down, and it's nice to see TBS just allow him to be himself (not to mention pay for that lighted set, which

(OH! And how could I forget one of my favorite Simpsons quotes ever:)

Homer, we gotta do something. Today he's drinking people's blood, tomorrow he could be smoking!

Everything was really spot on. I really lighten up this time of year, mostly because of Christmas, being with family, and then looking forward to New Years at my friends house (a tradition that's going into its fifth year. Great times are had by all.)

New Years' Eve Playlist:

FX is an awesome network. I literally watch every original show besides Rescue Me (which I used to watch before it fell off the rails.) Am I disappointed that Terriers is gone? Fuck yeah. But I'll always treasure it as a one season wonder and continue to enjoy some of the best programs on television on FX.

I am Jack's raging bile duct.

I have to agree with haysoos. That's pretty excellent. I dug out my guitar and played to those lyrics and it worked incredibly well.

Zombies and Bob Dylan
They go well together.

I can't waaaaaiiiit.

You see, kids?
Hard work does pay off! Just write an atrociously unoriginal film and stick Zac Efron in it, and all your dreams in life will come true.

Democracy's at stake!

Say what?! Windowlicker and Pretty Boy Swag is not only the funniest sample on the album (better than the 1901 and How Low joke) but it's also the best track on the album.

This a cool thread
We need another one of these.

Let's have a group discussion and analyze this symbolism. What does it MEAN?

That pizza shotgun joke absolutely fucking killed me. I've never laughed so hard at 30 Rock. I give this episode an A just for that.

Ambiguous Episode Titles
There's a lot of them, so I'll limit it to important ones (some may be tangential in terms of themes and characters)

I'm glad someone else caught it, cause he says it really quick. I rewound the DVR twice and laughed hard each time.

No, Violet Crumbles. You've got it all wrong. You're thinking of Jay Leno's Tonight Show.

That premiere made me so happy. It's nice to have a good laugh before bed.