
The BBC sessions also sound great. But the point of the live album they made was just to re-record the original, having never been satisfied by the original album (and rightly so.) Not that the original is insufferable or anything, but it's amazing how well-crafted, clean, rich, and beautiful the live album (which by

Live > Studio
One of those very rare albums where their live counterparts exceeded the studio versions. I'm so glad they released that live album because it just sounds so much richer.

He's a massive douche nozzle. He won't be missed.

I really do love Pete, though. They need to somehow weave Pete into more plotlines. He's too good for 30 seconds of screen time.

And Masturbation joke of the year goes to…
30 Rock!

Au Contraire
I've always found this to be a rather strange episode. I mean, I enjoyed it, but nothing seems very thematically poignant nor plot relevant beyond the surveillance aspect and the Patsy situation (both of which MINOR SPOILERS never amount to anything incriminating/blow over with no lasting repercussions,

The YouTube link above is my favorite song/performance of Joy Division. So fucking good.

I have to agree. What a phenomenal pilot. I haven't felt this excited for a television show since I first watched the Lost pilot. This fills a very nice and welcoming hole.

This is true. Community was excellent this evening. And The League. And Sunny! These are all great shows to write about.

Please stop reviewing shitty television shows and go back to covering The Sopranos please. I really need my weekly Sopranos/Excellent Television fix.

She's too hot to take the blame.

Speaking of track records, James Cameron might have the greatest track record concerning sequels that are superior to the original.

I feel like this screencap should be preserved for future generations as a visual representation of all F's.

John Mulaney really makes me laugh for some reason. He did the girl scout one last season, and this time he got me with the Mad Men previews. Well done.

Two thoughts:

I have to agree. Definitely a guilty pleasure film.

I'm suppose to be studying for midterms
You picked TODAY to post the primer about arguably the finest director in the history of the medium? You pricks. Thanks a lot. Now I have to read this twice over. And maybe go watch The King of Comedy.

I would totally agree. It's one of my favorites. I was kinda annoyed at first they brought him back tonight, when continuity wise he shouldn't be. But this is South Park, and of course they brought a justifiable (and hilarious) conclusion to bringing him back.

Good stuff
I checked out the show for the first time tonight after lots of recommendations. I really enjoyed it, and I'll have to catch up on it.