
For every poorly executed firstie, God kills a kitten.

Breaking Bad, for me, was pretty phenomenal from the get-go (even with a shortened first season.) It was planting all the seeds for all the tragic thematic depth to come, not to mention the first three episodes completed a wonderful little arc that was suspenseful, tragic, and funny. By the third episode, when Walt

Everybody chill.

CancelAIDS. Hah.

Hey look, a tumbleweed.
Am I the only one watching this show? It's a decent half-hour, I like Laura Linney, and it's a hell of a lot better than Weeds. I'm at least giving it a season.

Just do that tour where you only play Blue Album and Pinkerton and I'll forgive everything.

No, not a robot. Just one of the most underrated drummer's of our time. Also a super nice dude.

'South Park' always knows what it's talking about.
FROM Imaginationland Part I

Yes. Many of The Simpsons writers expressed great interest in making a live-action movie with Phil Hartman as Troy McClure. Unfortunately Phil died before any of this could ever happen. I have a theory that this probably would have been one of the greatest comedies ever, but alas, it was not meant to be.

I don't think I laughed harder at that final shot. It was so unbelievably perfect.

Speaking of those three great HBO dramas
Are all made by guys whose first names are David.

I read somewhere that the original plan was that Livia was to die at the conclusion of Season 1. Nancy Marchand was slowly dying of lung cancer and begged David Chase to keep her working. He gladly obliged and wrote her into the second season, and even planned on doing something for the third season, but died after

Season 2
Since we're going through Season 2 next week, you might as well do the premiere (Guy Walks Into a Psychiatrist's Office) first and leave the two-part knockout (The Knight in White Satin Armor / Funhouse) for the last post, considering how well-developed this post with Season 1 turned out, and also considering

Favorite Swartzwelder episode?
It's gotta be 'Rosebud.'

(Don't ever clean out childhood memories / pack for college listening to this one)

@Farmer John

@ Farmer John
* That being said

I did see Spider-Man 3. It was…OK (and that's being fair, considering I paid eleven dollars to see an emo Peter Parker.) It passed the time but wasn't anything special nor as good as the first two. That being, it was nowhere near as horrendous as Batman & Robin. I see no reason to reboot a franchise that has had three

Why are they rebooting this again?
I hope this flops on a Batman & Robin level. You're not allowed to reboot until you've completely fucked over a franchise (such as the aforementioned film, in which case it's totally OK.)

Yeah, that was "D-Girl." It was OK up until the final moments and a particular scene with Livia that was arguably her finest scene…