
Funniest Sopranos Line Ever
"You know who had an arc? Noah."

While we're on the subject of Mr. Show…
…this is my favorite music video ever (and I completely forgot about it until recently)

This is why you can't have nice things, Entourage.
Goddamnit, Entourage. As if a terrible season opener where nothing occurs wasn't enough, you have the balls to throw Gang Starr's classic "Above the Clouds" over the final credits, a song not even vaguely tangential to the events (of which there were none) that

Listen to…
Arthur (Or the Decline and Fall of the British Empire)

Melfi's kid
He does show up. Jason LaPenna. He'll shows up this season in 1x08. From recollection (I watched the series in full about a year ago) he doesn't really get much to do, aside from one scene with the Melfi family dinner where they discuss Italians in America that was rather poignant (I can't remember what


Imagine a Snooki queef. Such an incident would be catastrophic.

To the aforementioned Walt/Gretchen flashback, it bookends one of the finest episodes of the show. Seriously. Go back and watch "The Bag's in the River." That's the best containment episode this show ever did (though 4 Days Out and Fly are equally good) and for some reason still hangs around in my top five episodes.

…And then alienate the people who DVR'd it (like myself) into not watching Rubicon because I wanted ANOTHER HALF HOUR OF BREAKING BAD AND NOW I HAVE TO WAIT NEXT YEAR BLARGHDHSAHDKSAGFDTFWASIGFCJKSACAPSLOCK.

LOL. This is why laptops were invented: for browsing the internet during the commercials.

I like this comment thread. A lot.

Extra long finale? I now have an extra long boner.

For Sale:
Arcade Fire? Spoon? MSG? It's moments like these — where you absolutely need floor level seats — that leave you in moments of crisis on how to afford tickets for events as grandiose & unique as this one. Thank God I stole all those kidneys from that school bus full of children. I knew it'd come in handy.

I'm so happy Vincent lived. I probably would've cried had I not been watching with friends. So I cried on the inside, which is a thousand times more heartbreaking.


A Little Something About Perks (to all the haters)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower was assigned to us freshmen year by our English teacher as our "once a month novel." Or whatever the fuck you wanna call it. You know what I mean. It's goddman English class.

@treefingers: "Kudos to them for making it somewhat coherent, but I can't help but shake my head at all the wasted characters (Eko, Walt, Shannon, Boone) and plotlines (pushing the button, sitting in bear cages) they just couldn't deal with."

Septic Jim, I think of the show ended that way, it might be the greatest twenty seconds of comedy ever. I don't even think I'd be mad. Sure there'd be riots in the streets and probably a couple of suicides, but it'd be the greatest joke in the history of mankind, which must count for something. It'd also be way

Well thank you! I certainly thought it was an insightful and humorous comment considering the juxtaposition of quality between "Karma Police" and the songs its positioned between, "Barbie Girl" and "I Will Buy You a New Life", as well as most of the original Now tracklist in general. I wouldn't call myself "amazing",