
On the very first Now, I still get a kick of seeing "Karma Police" between "Barbie Girl" by Aqua and "I Will Buy You a New Life" by Everclear.

I can't do it. I'm too scared to go any further…but I wanna talk LOST! FUCK.

Holy. Shit.

I'm disappointed at the missed opportunity to end the episode by saying something along the lines of "Well at least went a whole week without saying Mu-Mu-Mu-Muhahhhh-Muhah-Muah-Ah-Ah-Muahhh-Ah-Muham-Muham-Muhammad."

Oops I'm retarded and posted this on the wrong thread. Apologies.

The one thing Lost does which I dislike is credit all the guest stars during the main titles. If you're a big Lostie, you know who plays who. And me? I can't help but look. So you basically know who is and isn't gonna show up by the end of the episode. Juliet came to mind immediately but she wasn't credited, and

I see what you did there.

Terrence and Phillip in the The Mystery at the Lazy 'J' Ranch.

The writers seem to be having a problem with being too on-the-nose with dialogue. Hurley usually gets most of them ("Thats what the whispers are?" / "Very old school" / "Some bizzaro alternative universe"), and as much as I hate this kind of dialogue, I look past it. I think it's being a little too harsh to criticize

Well…she was kinda hot. And she was less annoying than Kate.

I beg to differ, my DVR is a living being. If it decides to cut out my recorded programming at the final minute, it gets the belt. It receives Krusty Brand Imitation Gruel for each successfully recorded show. Occasionally I let him record Two and a Half Men for his own enjoyment, although I force him to watch the

TBS ensures…
…the triumphant and explosive return of the masturbating bear.

I actually enjoyed it quite a bit also; definitely not a B-. I thought it had some great character beats, and for the first time in a while I actually gave a shit about Jin and Sun, two characters I don't find all that interesting. The last scene with Jack and Sun was quite good (ever since the Dr. Linus scene with

My favorite Animaniacs clip ever:

From 'Radioactive Man'

Horray for Flashbacks!
Never thought I'd say that after watching 'Stranger in a Strange Land'

I don't really find it shitty, but I just don't think it holds the same weight as the Anthology version. Paul sounds absolutely perfect on that version; like a sad child recalling memories. The solo version I find really flat, plus I dislike the drums. I guess it's a preference thing, I just think the Anthology

"Sail to the Moon"
"Creep (Acoustic)"
"Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors"
"Life in a Glasshouse"

"Sail to the Moon"
"Creep (Acoustic)"
"Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors"
"Life in a Glasshouse"

One of my favorite Beatles tracks ever. It bugs me people have never heard it. Go listen to it. Now. NOT the shitty re-recorded version on Paul McCartney's first solo album. The one on Anthology 3 done by Paul in an empty room that's so chillingly beautiful, you'll never look at a piece of childhood memorabilia