
Fairies Wear Boots = best track on Paranoid

I don't mind him doing that (even though he only does it to get pics of him helping on TMZ) but I do mind the belligerent left-wing bullshit he spews out of his ass.

I hate Sean Penn with a passion…but goddamnit, he's a good fucking actor. 21 Grams, Dead Man Walking, Mystic River, Milk, and directing Into the Wild.

Moment of Truth
One of the best rap albums ever. Hope all goes well for him.

"If you say 'live together, die alone' to me Jack I'm gonna punch you in your face."

Episode Switcheroo
I'm not sure why the writers didn't switch this episode with 'What Kate Does'.

As a die-hard Flaming Lips fan…
…I'm not a big fan of this cover album. I mean, it's fucking Dark Side of the Moon. It doesn't need a cover album. I just find the new cover album gives it an unnecessary sound and loses every sense of what made the original so wonderful (the anxiety, grandiosity, denseness, and other

In sheer anxiety of waiting months for the premiere, I had to watch it live. I'm at college now and lack a DVR from last year (start 15 min late and no commercials), so it's back to torrenting.

Good to have you back. Here's to you and fellow AV clubers for hoping for a satisfying final season of Lost (along with cool write-ups and crazy ass theories). Judging by this superb first episode, it's gonna be an unbelievable race to the finish line.

The scene with the Man in Black/Un-Locke/Smoke Monster annihilating the Ajira folks (and the aforementioned "I'm sorry you had to see me like this") instantly jumped into my top 10 favorite scenes in Lost.

I saw them two years ago, two nights in a row, at All Points West. It was fucking magical. I would love to see them again, but like yourself, there's no way I can afford it, and it sucks tremendously. But then again, there are worse things in life, like Haiti itself, so I'm not complaining.

The crying thread
I am sad, for I am a poor college student that has zero chance of getting two tickets that doesn't cost eleventy billion dollars not to mention the travel expenses even though it'll be completely worth it and I love Radiohead and I'm pretty sure eleventy billion isn't a number and

Hey everyone, look! It's everyone's favorite bronx accent'd, brutal, wisecracking, 'The Wire' cop, Herc!

This is bullshit
You're only allowed to do reboots after you've completely destroyed a franchise. It's been three movies and three big cash cows. Why the fuck would you recast and redo everything you built considerably well (aside from the atrocious Spidey 3). Besides, there's only so many ways you can spin the story

Great pic
Watch the faces on Kurt, he's hysterical.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
The movie nods are actually pretty good
Seeing Inglorious Basterds getting nominated everywhere is pretty sweet.
Same with The Hurt Locker.

Agtis Byrjun is one my favorite album covers ever. This list lost all credibility after that one.

White Russians FTW
"Hey careful man, there's a beverage here!"

The HD bits killed me. Definitely a classic moment.

No Clooney?
Michael Clayton?
O brother where art thou?
And I hear 'Up in the Air' is suppose to be incredible as well.