
In a nutshell…
Blue Album and Pinkerton = classic
The rest = poo

TomWaits post above sums it up perfectly.

Poker Face
All in all, a good season. The show has been sagging since the end Season 11. Most of Season 12 kinda sucked, but the first half of Season 13 was really great. This second half was good, not great; overall definitely an improvement. Luckily I think South Park is contracted another two years, and I don't

Valuable lessons:
1. We're all flawed / We're all fucked up (Forrest isn't intelligent, but good natured, and that's what counts in life. Jenny's a stupid bitch, but still a child at heart, the young and stupid can't realize their mistakes, especially hippies, etc. etc. etc.)
2. Power of love (Forrest and Jenny) and

Da fuck
Bandwagons are funnnnnn. Surely this film doesn't deserve best picture (especially cause it beat out 'Pulp Fiction') but wow, people are really getting pissed over this movie, and I'm not sure if the hate for it is really as strong as everyone implies. It's a good movie, teaches some valuable lessons, remains

"What the fuck is that hat?"

I must agree. I definitely think it's getting underrated. The show started to stray from consistency starting last season but so far it's been pretty great. I really can't complain so far.

I'm sorry, I'm a sucker for the Daryl and the rednecks. Trey and Matt seem to be pulling all the minor characters out of the bag for plots (Ike two weeks ago, Officer Yates last week, etc.) Either they're running out of ideas or they're just expanding a bit. Either way, I still think this season so far

Definitely one of the best episodes this season. Compared to last week, which was funny albeit slightly unoriginal, this episode felt fresh and really made me laugh, like, everywhere. Any episode with the kids being kids, especially Butters, is always great, and the storyline managed to work well with Butters being

I'm aware, Eh Jole. I just thought the use of "Office afterbirth" on 'Parks and Recreations' almost equally applies to my personal take on 'Modern Family'. Like I said, it's OK at best. I'll give it time, but I'm just not nearly as enthusiastic as the rest of the world seems to be; especially when comparisons start

Office afterbirth? This show reeks of it (not that 'Parks and Recreations' is any better). I don't think this show is bad, but I certainly don't think it's very original. Everything that's been done has been done before and better (from AD to The Office). I think there's some funny ideas and characters, but it feels

sorta kinda maybe?
As someone inclined to immediately hate this show, as it basically got 'King of the Hill' axed, I thought it was pretty good. Now I haven't seen the next few episodes, and it wouldn't surprise me if it falls on old 'Family Guy' cutaway shallow character habits and sucks tremendously, but I thought

I have to agree with Reece. It's pretty stereotyped, and the mockumentary interview thing is just played out. I had a few laughs during the course of the episode, there was some solid original stuff (the BB gun scene ended pretty well, and The Lion King music at the end was good). But, I dunno, it's not really that

It was a montage of House in the psych ward set to "No Surprises" by Radiohead. They didn't even use the regular intro, they had the credits over it. It was pretty haunting stuff.

Oh, and Radiohead intro also makes the episode that much more awesome. Even if you didn't like the episode, the intro was excellent.

I genuinely enjoyed the episode beginning to end, and while I had a few qualms previously mentioned, I didn't mind it as it was such a welcome change. Last year I was really hoping they'd have a nice episode arc at the psych ward, but House writers never break the fucking status quo, so a two hour premiere/sorta

I forgot the Giants game is on tonight. Oh well, that's probably a good thing. I'm a sucker for awards shows (and snarky AV Club live blogs) and the Emmy's of all awards shows will suck miserably (then again…NPH is awesome). Whatever. I'm probably better off watching the Giants game anyway.

No worries. Even though now I think I'm gonna watch Shaun of the Dead because, y'know, it's like one of the best comedies ever.

Good Start
I was pleasantly surprised, it was pretty good. It's held real strong by Joel McHale, and the pilot tries a bit too hard, but it had some real clever jokes and ended strong. I'll definitely give this show a shot, hope it turns into something great.

Andy rocked, it was hilarious.