
Excellent interview, Patton is a cool motherfucker. Looking forward to 'Big Fan'.

Please let this be awesome
This trailer is so incredibly superb, please let the movie be this good. The Coens haven't made their tyical classic whackjob violent crazy slapstick dark comedy etc etc since 'The Man Who Wasn't There'.

What a season. What an incredible show. The amount of analysis and literary techniques you can take out of this show is staggering.

To End
To Noel, a very well written article. On a side note, I've really been enjoying going through these comments in the TV Club (whether for Lost, Breaking Bad, In Treatment, etc.) It's definitely enhanced and furthered my love for quality television and discussing it with everyone is a joy.

What a phenomenal episode…

ending well
The last few episodes of House finished out pretty strong; made up for most of the mediocrity that composed most of the season. I really enjoyed the ending tonight, looking back, I don't feel like it was a big cheat (although they could've planted a few more seeds and little details throughout the season

the last
Who'll be last, Paul Newman or Heath Ledger…