
The plot line with Marie seems more justifiable seeing as Hank is being such a huge dick to her, and for once I actually feel something for her character. I was hoping the subplot would lead somewhere, but it sort of died out after Marie was bailed out. I have no qualms, though. The first four episodes of BB take

Blueberries, Box Cutters…
This TV season keeps warping my perception on household items.

Breaking Bad AND Homer at the Bat next week?
It's like I'm in nerd heaven! But I still have all my acne!

As a fellow NY UCB student, I understand your pain of doing scenes with "actors." It's just painful. They don't play in the moment at all. But the biggest problem is that none of them have any concept nor passion for comedy. They just think it's another form of acting - which it is on some level - but on many more

I caught him at Caroline's back in February and it was easily the funniest stand-up show I've ever been to. So yeah, go get tickets.

Fuck this show
And fuck the retarded 18-34 year old dumb-white-male demographic that embrace this show like it's a pinnacle of comedy.

I love this show because every week is completely different. I find that even in the more slow, meditative scenes, that when the laughs come, they come hard. Case in point this evening: the cringe-worthy scene in the bedroom where the woman breaks down crying over her daddy issues. Cut to them a short while later and

As a fellow '91'er, I feel obliged to agree with the above comments. TS3 pulled off a feat so impossible - a second sequel that didn't shit the bed - that trying it again will implode the world. Also, a fourth would ruin the trilogy of films we already have. Toy Story is a quintessential movie trilogy, and I'd like to


I'd like to be the first to politely give a good ol' fashion middle finger to Tosh.0

I agree. She is pretty phenomenal. If someone wrote her a good, juicy role in a film, she'd win an Oscar in about five seconds.

Holy shit. In a world where (God forbid) Community got cancelled, and this was the series finale…that would be the ultimate downer to end a series. Like, seriously. I can't think of a more depressing series finale than that.

I stopped watching after Season 4 (started watching 5 and it fell off my schedule). I've watched the past three episodes and have found myself feeling "meh" rather than "what a terrific show."

Rhymes with Heroes should've ended after the first season.

Hannibal Buress puking on Lutz? A+.

When you have four different versions of Jack Donaghy in the same scene, it pretty much warrants an A.

Darren Criss is in this episode?
Apparently Darren Criss - that kid who plays Kurt's boyfriend Blaine on Glee - is in this episode. He plays Mikey and Tommy, which I assume are the Irishmen in the Family Feud scene.

Not that I follow Pitchfork's every word…
…but I'm very disappointed with this album (which is fine because I came in with zero expectations.) Anytime they experiment with their sound, it feels awkward, disjointed, and downright annoying (Games, You're So Right, Call Me Back) but whenever they decide to just be The

Because I got high…
I didn't see Jackass 3. We went to a fancy Italian restaurant instead and gorged ourselves (I had a large spaghetti parm and never looked back) and then realized we were too full to laugh. It was the greatest meal I ever had.

1. Kid A (A+)
2. OK Computer (A+)
3. The Bends (A)
4. In Rainbows (A)
5. Amnesiac (A-)
6. Hail to the Thief (B+)
7. The King of Limbs (B+)
8. Pablo Honey (C)