Dude Manbrough

Speaking as someone who's seen every single Simpsons episode ever, IMO this was easily a bottom three episode all-time. The Gaga one, the bar rag one, Land Of The Jockeys…this one ranks with any of them. Just totally terrible in every way. As someone who's generally supported a lot of “latter-day” Simpsons, I have to

Oh that Goodfellas stuff on The Sopranos was just too funny. And the way they idolize "Marty" in spite of it too.

One difference between The Wire and the other top shelf TV dramas is that it didn't have that one central tour de force actor acting as its core a la Gandolfini and Cranston. McNulty was more like Jack on Lost, he was "the lead" but the show itself wasn't really "about" him.

Yob, "Clearing The Path To Ascend". #1. The rest of these records are irrelevant.

One day Beyonce will stun the world by releasing something that ISN'T an astounding display of narcissism and self-promotion. Perhaps some of us will still be alive to see that day.

It was just unbelievably piss-poor. The overhead "crow's eye" shots just emphasized how badly the scene was staged.

I laughed throughout that entire scene. Multiple GCI crows flying around, a car chase that couldn't possibly have looked any faker and that terrible ending scene complete with a cheap inside joke. Just pitiful.

And he uses the shot right before the bad GCI shot to squeeze in an inside joke, I mean it boggles the mind.

All of Juice's problems began when Roosevelt threatened to tell the club his father was black. Then in the very next episode after he dies, SOA proudly admits its first black member. Juice is still getting fucked.

It was absolutely terrible. That truck was rounding a sharp corner and lumbering uphill and the cops behind Jax were basically stopped. That truck was barely breaking 20mph, if that. Just so, so poorly done.

Super rushed and super sloppy. IMO it was on the level of a WWE skit.

IMO it just sucked that he opted to let Jax go out in a "blaze of glory" (so to speak) instead of having him be gunned down on a warehouse floor by a bunch like he deserved. No balls.

If only he'd spent more time this season playing that aspect of the story, as the "outsiders" begin to grasp just how sick the SOA world is, instead of fucking around with the nonsense for weeks at a time.

He's brutal and he went all-out with that final montage. One crow perched on a road sign = symbolism. Thirty-six crows = overkill.

Am I wrong in thinking that a simple shot of a reflective Jax zooming down the highway and off a cliff or something would have been a way better choice than that inexplicable "Gumball Rally" police chase was? To use the very last shot of your series on a quick little "inside joke" is a pretty fucking weird choice IMO.

It was some seriously ham-fisted symbolism is what it was. It was like being bludgeoned over the head with a pillowcase full of symbolism, as subtle as a hand grenade in a barrel full of oatmeal.

"…the ultimate purpose of the phantasmagoric homeless woman turns out to be facilitating the killing of August Marks?"

I didn't like it at all. The ending montage was just plain stupid, with the endless heavy-handed symbolism, that laughable weird car chase, the bad GCI and that song plodding along in the background…seriously, it was LOL bad IMO.

IMO this could have been a really good season if they did eight or nine regular hour long episodes instead of 13 endlessly long ones. There just isn't enough good story there, everything is unnecessarily dragged out. Juice's endless torture is one example, as is Nero going upstate to the farm. Fucking GO already, man.

He kicked the side of a car in the last episode.