Correct…I misremembered. Second viewings are so crucial with this show.
Correct…I misremembered. Second viewings are so crucial with this show.
You're right…I stand corrected. That's definitely plausible.
But how could Audrey have told Richard about Cooper while in a coma?
In the first Audrey scene she doesn't move at all, she stands in the same spot the entire time. In the second scene she does the same until Charlie threatens to "end her story". Then last night she was raving and ranting for apparently no reason we're aware of even though Charlie appeared to be cooperating with her…
I'm wondering if Dougie was responsible for the convenience store going haywire there at the end of the Dark Coop scene. It was almost as if whatever DC was trying to do didn't go completely as planned.
Music. I'm a rock and roll guy and I've always loved guitar-based rock, the more "extreme" the better. It began a long, long time ago and I never "grew out of it" as they say so even to this day I'll be freaking out over some new band I just heard like Portal or SunnO))) but I typically keep it to myself as it doesn't…
I'm beginning to see some of the characters (Carl, the TP sheriff's dept., Cole, Albert) as being sort of "anti-woodsman" in a way, although I can't yet fully explain it. Loved seeing Andy becoming a vital cog, as it's often forgotten how much Andy influenced events in the original series (shot Jacques & saved…
It's strictly my opinion, if it's a "talking point" I was unaware of that. I only watched it for the first time in maybe 1999 (on VHS!) and IMO the quality declined precipitously after the episode I cited. It wasn't all "bad" but lots of it was obviously forced with a visible effort being made to keep it "weird" just…
Also, the FWWM "missing pieces" are a must-see as well, when that was first released I assumed it'd just be some unnecessary outtakes and etc. but there's some absolutely fascinating and relevant stuff in there.
There were a few decent things about the "post-Leyland" episodes, but you could obviously see a) the guest directors trying to ape Lynch's "weirdness" while missing the point entirely and b) the network meddling/too many cooks approach leading to lots of dumb plot arcs. I didn't dislike Windom as much as some TP fans…
See, I was introduced to TP way after the fact, I never saw it when it actually aired. In my mind the original run is more or less divided into two parts that don't coincide exactly with the official seasons 1 & 2. IMO "season one" ends after Leyland dies, when the guys are discussing "the evil that men do" and the…
The way I understood it, everything that happened between Bob and Mike was merely a battle for garmonbozia. The ring belongs to Mike and it entitles him to the pain and sorrow of the wearer, which is why he was so irate with Bob/Leyland in FWWM. The "convenience store" scene was all about Mike's gripes re: the…
This is totally rampant wherever TP fans congregate. Suddenly Lynch/Frost are hacks who make all sorts of slovenly "editing" mistakes and etc. Then you have the die-hards who are absolutely aching to be the very first ones to "solve" it, like "Lost" fans only more pretentious.
I firmly believe that at some point Dougie will be sitting behind Todd's desk, "running things" so to speak…with great success, natch.
Things definitely happen.
Nope, no way. Anyone that interested can use their innate cleverness to find it themselves.
Anyone else see the ep 14 spoilers? Apparently it aired by mistake in Germany instead of ep 13. I'm not saying a word but it sounds totally wild, can't wait!
And the finale when Hawk has to put a big cork back into a hole at Owl Cave and Jerry is selected as the new "leader" of the Black Lodge.
As much as I'm enjoying the shit out of TP, I'm getting that uneasy "Lost" season six feeling now, as there are one hell of a lot of threads to wrap up in only six episodes. Dopple Coop, Dougie, Hawk's quest, Richard, the Major, the Woodsmen and other stuff I'm forgetting right now. I have more faith in Lynch/Frost…
I'm not sure why but I absolutely loved the Dougie scenes this week, especially the cherry pie dream. There's just something about the way he keeps blundering into good fortune, dare I say it's almost heartwarming?