The van from "Up In Smoke", of course. Or maybe Nigel's guitar from "This Is Spinal Tap", the one that's never been played.
The van from "Up In Smoke", of course. Or maybe Nigel's guitar from "This Is Spinal Tap", the one that's never been played.
Yeah, go to your local PD to give a statement and get in a fight with the local sheriff then threaten to shoot him or her and see how far you get.
And he keeps mentioning the FARM he just BOUGHT…over and over again. Just fucking GO already!
On SOA being a "junkie" is the second worst thing you can possibly be, right below "child abuser/molester" on the morality list. Although I suppose you MIGHT get away with either of those things if you were doing it to "protect your family". It's all really nebulous.
The idea that an SOA episode requires in-depth analysis is pretty funny IMO.
Yes, the reaction of the Indian Hills guys was so refreshing, it actually seemed genuine, like the way "real" people might act in the situation.
I really enjoyed the Indian Hills scene, it was the sort of "WTF are you maniacs doing out here?" kind of reaction this show could use more of IMO. Jax shot another chapter president in the head, obviously there should be repercussions within the SOA ranks and it was refreshing to see someone finally dismiss Jax's…
It also hilarious how Nero keeps talking about the FARM he just BOUGHT…"yeah, gonna be great…flowers, trees, the laughter of happy children…gonna call it the Live 4 Eva Ranch mama…what could go wrong?". I mean there's foreshadowing, then there's telegraphing.
And they all look at the kid like "hmmm, I wonder why he seems so troubled?", as if his mom's murder, his felonious father's antics and spending most of the last month in a porno studio never even happened.
It was (if you'll kindly pardon the expression) balls-out retarded. They're taking the word of a biker gang reject AND the least reliable witness in town to "wrap up" the murder of the local sheriff AND a respected pediatric surgeon and mother of two. It's so beyond ludicrous. "Oh, Gemma just happened to be riding by…
Really? Dopplegangers.
And there was Skank from "Breaking Bad" and I think the other Indian Hills guy was on "Eastbound And Down" on SportsSesh. A cavalcade of stars!
Oh yes, I can't forget this week's character who makes the SOA gang look "good" in comparison…the "militia whackjob" who smacked the kid around and drew Tig's wrath. Every single week.
Agree fully. This is like three filler episodes in a row, extended episodes no less. It really ought to be building tension and suspense, not making me yawn.
It'd be so awesome if it turns out that the kid killed Gemma's birds, but it'll probably end up being one of Jax's many enemies and (zzzzzzzz). I have to assume that Abel will have to find another pre-school now as well. Nice surrogate parenting there, Gemma.
Back in 1980-1981, the WWF was holding a house show at my hometown high school. A few hours before the show was to begin, I was loitering around with a few other kids and we spot Sgt. Slaughter and Andre The Giant chilling in Andre's custom travel van, drinking beers. We tentatively approached them and they obliged us…
Deadheads were forever trying to get me into the Dead…"yeah, well, check out this live bootleg featuring Jerry getting his fingers stuck in the guitar strings for three hours…", no, thank you. Good people though, great weed and always the BEST acid.
IMO you can't do anything but LOL at the idea of Wendy "still loving Jax". I mean it's absurd. Because she does a great job watching his kids? So do the random porno chicks, apparently.
Yeah, but instead he does that annoying soap opera trope where you stare as the ramifications begin to dawn on you. So irritating.
This episode was a real snore, reeking of filler material. The endless crime gang schemes are way tiresome, as is waiting for Juice to SAY SOMETHING to someone about Tara's death instead of doing his usual nothing. Boy, is he gonna be pissed when he hears that Jax is suggesting that SOA patch in a black member, huh?