Sid the Rabbit

OK I've been listening to Harmontown for the past 2 months and I'm wondering what the deal was with when Dan and Erin broke up. I only know about it from the tumblr post from 2 years ago. They've never mentioned it, can anyone fill me in?

Sounded like at least some of you were interested in seeing more of my Community 501 pre-write. I just finished the cold open, figured out some stuff I'd been wrestling with. Any opinions would be super sexy cool.

r/community sucks, agreed. Ah well, I'm only losing to this by 170 points. Can't tell if I posted at the wrong time of day or if reddit really likes meta humour.

I feel like writing Community fan scripts is a good introductory exercise in screen-writing before my actual screen-writing course. I'm in the middle of "Criminology 101", and this is my first try at it. Anybody want to take a quick look at the a sample two pages? I posted it on r/community but didn't really get any

@avclub-0840875a9da6f24c4e0fc883b399d93a:disqus Hello.

1, Breaking Bad technically, but Nathan For You.

While I do definitely agree that Parks declined a lot, I disagree that it declined more than Community. Community failed to make me laugh once in 10 of 13 episodes, give or take, with "Get your DAMN hands of my Let's" being the one huge laugh out loud moment (and that was all delivery). Parks can still deliver killer


Man am I glad to be leaving for Toronto soon.

So I was writing a spec script for 501 (I just got Final Draft and I wanted to try it out, shoot me), and I had an idea.

See you look like how I tried to look when I was 14.


That really surprises me, guess I'm overestimating but half the 18 year olds I know were watching.

Um what's Nathan Fielder doing on twitter right now…

We figured what the hell so we kept the channel on so I could go home once the preview started. After the 10th minute of no commercials we were too invested to switch it off. Although we eventually did around the 20 minute mark.

The way AMC used Low Winter Sun was disgraceful. My friend and I decided to watch until the preview, which ended up being a 25 minute wait. Then because we're in Canada it didn't even show up, which is stupid since it did last year.

Crap had both comment sections open and thought it was the Breaking Bad one. My bad.


Like, for example, the "so he's a pizza guy" in RCT. In season 1 or 2 it would've panned to a reaction shot or an entrance or something. Instead the shot is completely static. It's not necessarily bad, but it's a bit jarring to me.

I'm watching a few episodes of Season 3 of Community, and something clicked that I hadn't noticed. Is it just me or was the directing kind of weird, pacing-wise. A lot of scenes remind me of those Youtube videos of Big Bang Theory without the laugh track, just a lot of weird pauses filled with nothing. One of the big