Sid the Rabbit

Totally agreed, Craig's problem was always how easy it was for him to fall back on tired sex jokes and double entendres, and no matter how talented Josh Robert Thompson is at voice acting, he's no gifted improviser or intellectual heavyweight.

I really didn't like Our Love to Admire, but their self-titled album was a massive grower. Hated it for two years and then it grew on me hardcore.

Episode was a clear A, but did anyone else think that Alison Brie's delivery on every line was really off? I usually like her but my friend and I independently both noticed how sore-thumbly and uncharacteristically laboured and unfunny all her readings were.

More legitimate laughs in that than most of season 4*.

Wow I've been an apologist for most of this season but that was some season 5/6 level cartoonishness. Last week got an A but this week is an easy D.

"Everything Must Go" was horrible. As a major defender of the first four seasons of the show that's the only one that sticks out as being offensively awful.

Benefits and The Playbook weren't great but at least they were funny.

That's absolute garbage. I'm not his biggest fan but there's a reason he's considered near the top of technical rappers all-time. He just makes shitty musical decisions.

Yeah it's a joke on the super-serious but terrible club acts like Swedish House Mafia.

Just want to say that as a not-very bored Torontonian it was pretty awesome seeing Donald Glover today at a surprise listening party at Trinity Park. Packed mob of people, got within 2 metres of him. He did the Troy-Abed handshake with a guy, and answered some questions about his album. More importantly it was cool

Welcome. Enjoy.

There hasn't been any demand for it but still I've seen plenty of comments here and other places saying that Harmon attacked her or unfairly targeted her. It was just an unfortunate situation.

I just listened to the new Harmontown. While I do wish that Dan would come to the AV Club once in a while, I don't think that he or Jeff were at all in the wrong. Not to say that Lisa or Catherine were either.

Give me an episode that will change my mind then.

OK I feel the need to say this…

How is this a Breaking Bad news update…

I did laugh like an idiot whenever he did that stupid face. Something was so perfect about it.


As a Haligonian who just moved to Toronto this warmed my heart.

As another Haligonian thank you.