Sid the Rabbit

Just watched The Social Network. I don't know how Aaron Sorkin manages to make intellectual property infringement compelling but somehow he does. When I think of that movie it's always how the movie is so strong in every way.

Can we sort this out once and for all?

@avclub-3da678392d5ac1ff456fe6e06354fdef:disqus You know what suddenly "Get Lucky" doesn't seem so bad.

I finally listened to Random Access Memories. I absolutely do not get the hype. Can someone explain to me why it's being touted as some kind of universally beloved hallmark? Especially "Get Lucky". I will never understand why that song is getting considered a masterpiece or even a really great track. By dance music

Except Earth.

I want to hate him so much for his leaving and not showing up at Comic-Con but fuck if he isn't one of the funniest actors out there. Probably the sheer funniest guy around for outtakes.

Anybody else notice how Season 2 always seems to be the best season of most comedies?

@avclub-d9c9a056f6052ffbfa3526be3478d45e:disqus Did I call it out of nowhere? It was just extremely un-Community and the tone was jarring.
That entire episode is just blah for me though. I'm in the very small minority of hating season 3 Britta (and Gillian for that matter), so it all falls really flat. It relies on a

That's a fair point, but I think the darkness could have been played more subtly than zooming in on a soldier's tear at the end of an episode.

Explain it to me then. Because whatever the point is, it apparently was unclear enough that it was what stopped most of my friends from watching the show.

I'm marathoning season 2 and it's really highlighting the problems with season 3 for me. A big one is the way it's shot. I really hope that Sony shells out for the cameras from seasons 1 and 2 because the look is completely different. I prefer the crisp images of the first two seasons.

Just started listening to Harmontown. I'd like to say that Jeff Davis fucking a spider, promising it would be OK, and then stabbing it in the neck is the funniest thing I've heard since I marathoned Nathan For You.

Madden 13
NHL 13
NBA 2K13
Portal 2
Halo 4
Hitman: Absolution
Batman: Arkham City
Rock Band 3
Call of Duty: World at War

This episode make all my friends stop watching Community, so it makes me sad.

I massively disagree. Nolan Batman and Justice League Batman have to be completely separate. Nolan Batman can't exist in a universe where superheroes are running around. It ruins the realism that made it actually compelling.

I like these reviews, but I agree the constant "Is this offensive?" is getting extremely tedious.

Jesus, that's out of nowhere.

@avclub-ef870b3a86cdaa4354ae109dd88b614d:disqus  I'm headed to the University of Toronto in the fall. They're worried I won't be able to get a job there if I don't get one here.